Chapter Twelve

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 Sorry for the late posting, just got home from a sleepover! Enjoy!!

--------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Twelve---------------------------------------------------

So far, the sleepover was a major success. Sonny and I hung out in my room, we were writing some songs, listening to music, and just talking. It would have been more fun if Chad wasn't in my closet! Seriously, he has been in there the whole time, I felt bad for the poor guy.

"Jenny, Sonny! Pizza's here!" Kevin called from downstairs.

I got off my stomach, "Okay! I'm going to go wash my hands." I said to Sonny as I hopped off my bed.

 She nodded as she closed her binder, "I just need to get something out of my bag."

I nodded and left the room. As I was walking to the bathroom I stopped in my tracks. Wait....isn't her bag in the-

"AHH!" Sonny's high pitched scream filled the second floor.

Crap, crap, crap! I quickly turned around and ran back to my room. What was Chad and I are going to tell Sonny? 'Oh! Chad and I just make out daily, no big deal. C'mon! Let's go eat that pizza!'...yeah, that's so not going to work. I stood in the doorway of my room to see Chad standing behind Sonny with his hand over her mouth.

"Chad!" I whispered yelled.

He looked at me, "What? I don't want your brothers to hear."

I entered the room and locked the door. I ripped Chad's hand off Sonny's mouth who went behind me. Jeez, you would think Chad is toxic to her...but I guess all exes feel like that. I turned to face Sonny who backed away from me, wide eyed.

"What the hell was he doing in your closet?" Sonny asked in a hush-yelling tone.

I put on an innonence face and shrugged, "Just hanging...with the hangers!"

I started to fake laugh at my unfunny joke. Sonny and Chad glared at me in pure confusion until I nudged Chad in the stomach. He caught on and started to fake laugh as well, leaving only Sonny giving us a death glare. She crossed her arms.

"Cut the crap, Jenny."

My fake smile and laughter subsided, turning it into a 'pokerface'. I knew this day would come...but not in my room after Chad has gotten out of my closet. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, I told Sonny the whole story. How that kiss for the sketch turned into something more, how we wanted to see each other without actually seeing each other, and all leading up to Chad hiding in my closet for about a hour.

Throughout the whole story, Sonny kept a straight face. She occasionally glanced between Chad and I, giving us  a 'did you really think I wasn't going to find out?' look. I could head Chad shifting from side to side in his jeans, probably trying to get his legs awake from being in a closet for a hour. When I was finished, I exhaled and looked at Sonny, waiting for a response.

She shook her head with a little smile on her face, "You both are such idiots." 

I looked up at Chad who looked down at me as we both shrugged. Before any of us could say another word, there was a knock on the door.

"Sonny? Jenny? You guys ok? We heard a scream." Joe's voice was heard through the door.

Was Sonny going to tell Joe what just happened? Chad and I looked at her with pleading eyes, she rolled her own.

"Yes, Joe! We just saw a spider, right Jenny?" Sonny said, looking at me.

I smiled hugely, "Yep! We just killed it."

The 'So Random' Life of Jenny JonasWhere stories live. Discover now