"I have a meeting with the governor!" I spat. She scowled and raised her finger. I glared at her and awaited her to finish her call.

"The governor will be with you soon, please take a seat!" She smiled though it was clearly fake.

I frowned and sat down. She stared at me with her hands on her chin while obnoxiously popping her gum. "Can you stop it?" I glared.

"Nope!" She smirked.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Seeing Angie just brought back so many memories of Scar. I tried so hard these past weeks to forget about her. I had a beautiful girlfriend yet my mind remained on a green eyed beauty. I hated her so much, but wanted her at the same time. When I saw Angie kissing her, I felt shattered. I wanted to kill them both but I refrained. When I heard her call me back, I only wanted to engulf her in my arms and never let her go. Yet I was selfish to her and myself. I wanted Scar, I still do.

My infatuation with her was an enemy to me. I moved out of the house the next week and bought a condo close to central park. Kelly also lived in that apartment, so mostly I was by her. All the kisses and the hot sex I had with Kelly, never once satisfied me. I wanted more; green eyes more.
I haven't seen Scar in over a month. The surveillance I had of her was depleted because I couldn't stand to hear her. I was glad that I didn't see the green eyes beauty, because I would of cracked. Maybe I would of killed her.

"You know you really hurt her. She was depressed for weeks and killed hundreds of people because of you. The one person she wants, is a manipulative bitch!"

I opened my eyes and stared indifferently at her. I chuckled darkly and closed back my eyes. "That's why I fucked her. At least I love her enough not to walk out with my crack whore girlfriend."

I jumped up from my seat and strolled over to her. I raised my finger to her face and snarled. "Listen here, little bitch. You know nothing about Scar's and I relationship, so mind your fucking business before I punch your teeth in."

She smirked and crossed her arms over her torso. "Scar hates you so much. If she saw you now, you'll be another dead body added to her hundreds."

My hand raised on its own accord and slapped her. Her head tilt to the side and she gasped. "I told you to mind your fucking business."

"I should fucking kill you bitch!" She yelled while trying to grab me. I merely stepped to the side and pushed her to the floor.

"What the hell is going on here?" My breath hitched as I heard that sensual voice behind me. I turned around and faced her with a glare.



"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"I can ask you the same thing!" I scowled.

"This is my building!" She motioned with her hand. I frowned. I had no idea this was her building.

"I have a meeting with the governor." I replied.

"You're the sexy lawyer!" She yelled.

I smirked, "that I am."

She picked up Angie from the floor and held her by her waist. I clenched my jaw and looked away. I still felt jealous when it came to that woman. She cleared her throat and I turned to her with indifference in my eyes.

"The meeting is over here!" She said.

I followed behind her and stared coldly at Scar's arm around her waist. She pecked her cheek and sat her down at a table. I growled lowly and walked to the conference room. The governor sat at the table with two more people.

"Good morning governor!" I extended my arm for him to take.

"Ah miss Pearson. Glad you can make it!" He smiled.

"Its my honor!" I smiled. I sat down and crossed my ankle over the next.

"Let's cut to the chase. Scar Kenneth is taking over New York." He begun. My eyes widened and I sat upright at the incoming information.

"What do you mean by that?"

He chuckled. "I mean, she is going to kill a lot of people in the upcoming week. The police will be on her case and that's where you come in. I need you to be her lawyer because I know you're the best."

"Sir that's a lot you're asking from me!" I scowled.

"Money isn't a problem dear." He smiled. "How does ten million sound!"

My eyes widened and I abruptly stood up. "I am not selling myself for pocket change and especially not for that cold hearted bitch." I spat.

The governor's eyes widened and I stormed out of the room. Who do he think I am? Ten million? I maybe have ten million in my wallet right now!

"Everything went well?"

I stopped in my tracks and glared at her with so much hate. "No Scar, it didn't go well. I will never, in my life, be your lawyer again. Especially after your heinous crimes."

"So I take it that you're still upset because of that Angie thing!" She scowled.

"No Scar! I can care less about your little slut and I can care less about you. My hate for you never left since the first day I saw you and it will never leave." I hissed.

"Hate is a strong word Miss Pearson." She spat coldly.

I stepped closer to her and pushed her to the wall. "I should of never kissed your my lust got the best of me. That's all it was, lust. I never liked you Scar. You're a cold hearted murderer that has no idea who is the enemy and who's not." I spat. My words weren't true. I actually liked Scar maybe I could even love her. Though these crimes she commits blinds my judgment of her. I am a lawyer and a FBI agent. Justice is what I live for.

She simply smiled and walked away. I frowned at her retreating back and screamed in annoyance. I hate you Scar Kenneth!

I walked out of the regency and into my car. "Maggie, we have a problem!"

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