Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


"How are you sweetheart?" I stood in my grandmother's kitchen.

My mom's mother has been there for me since I was five, and looking at her reminded me of my mom. They both shared dark brown hair, the blue eyes I inherited and that warm smile I both loved and missed seeing. I did miss my mother, even after everything. I missed her eyes and soft words when she was happy and not damaged from the disorder. She was a good woman, just with a bad sickness.

"Honestly Grammy? I feel like shi—She gives me a warning look. "I feel like crap." She raises a brow at me. "Is everything okay?" I shake my head, leaning on her counter. "No Grammy it's not. You haven't heard that Lo—I mean Elliot Roberts was here?" My grandmother looks at me confused. "You know I don't keep up with all of that celebrity and famous people stuff. Why does she have you all shaken up?"

I run my hands down my face. "I'm falling for her, but she lied to me."

I look up at her reaction. She still had on that confused face. "How are you falling for her, honey? You've met her?" I take a deep breath and inform my grandmother on the events of my life these past months.

She came around the counter and hugged me. "Oh honey, have you talked to her? To get her story?" I shake my head. "So she can just lie to me again. Grammy I can't easily brush past that. I was falling for her, only to know she wasn't the person she said she was." I moved out her embrace, getting riled up. Only Elliot could that to me, yet she was the person I didn't want to be on my mind constantly.

"She only lied about her name—"How do I know that was it? She could have been lying about it all." I thought about that ever moment after she left. Every day, a sliver of it all, became hard to believe. Everything about her that I thought was genuine crumbled into a lie. I felt stupid and upset that I let it get this far. That I couldn't see the resemblance. I never asked around about her, and no one seemed to know who she was. I was just captivated the moment she stepped on my doorstep.

"You don't know, honey, but don't you want to?" I look at her. "You want the closure right? If what you say is true that you are falling for her, but can't get over the fact that she lied, at least hear her out. Give her that chance to tell you the truth, then move on."

I could do that right?

I could listen to her voice and not get sucked into thinking about her beautiful face. Her seductive eyes and smile, her beautiful everything.

"I can't." I admitted.

My grandmother gave me small smile. "You can't run from this Will. Soon enough you'll have to do something." I put my hands in my pockets and feel my phone. I haven't had it turned on all week. Work wasn't enough of a distraction. Somehow everyone seemed to know and I felt like all their eyes were judging me. Wondering how I had a chance with Elliot Roberts and didn't take it.

I was the damn boss, none of that was their business.

I had Alex handle all my calls and hoped no one would contact my cellphone. I was wrong, when thousands of messages popped up from Cayla and my dad. I listened to them all, waiting for the answer machine tell me I didn't have anymore.

"You have a message from Logan." The answer machine said. She called me yesterday.

I look down at my phone in surprise.

"Hi Will, it's me. You probably won't even listen to this once you see it's me, but if you do. I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. That was not at all my intention. Falling for you wasn't my intention either, but it happened," She gave a sad laugh. "You are an amazing man. A man that has been through more than anyone I've known. Cayla told me about your mom. And I am so sorry. I can't imagine how hard that was, and I wished that it wasn't like that. I wished nothing bad happened to good people," She sniffles, and I sigh. She was crying and I hated myself for having the feeling of wanting to hold her.

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