t h i r t y s e v e n

ابدأ من البداية

H: Fuck this bullshit, I want you in my arms :/

K: xxx

K: but I had a great time :) 

H: :) it's a real shame we didn't have a proper night alone.. ;) 

K: such a true shame ;) ;) 

I smiled at the long series of smiles he had sent me, before changing the topic.

H: How's your family?

K: they're amazing & appreciate the holiday you took me on :) 

K: on that note...there's something I feel your approval or disapproval would matter..

H: You're saying my approval or disapproval doesn't always matter? ;)

K: God, no Harry! I didn't mean it like THAT..

I decided to call him and he picked up, his chuckling filling my ear.

"Harry," I groan, and he finally agreed to stop teasing me about it.

"Alright, what's the important matter that you need my expert advice on?" He asked seriously, as I played with the ends of my hair.

"See, I've gotten this amazing offer to do a shoot for amazing people," I started off, nervously biting my lip.

"But they're a bit..revealing," I finished, as I prepared myself for the worst.

"So you're asking your lovely and handsome boyfriend if it would bother him," Harry concluded for me.

"What does your family think?" He asked, and I relayed my parents' words about being comfortable enough to do it.

"What do you think?" Harry asked me, and I thought for a minute.

"I feel like it would be a great opportunity, since it's an abstract sort of thing," I explained, and I heard Harry sigh.

"Whatever you think's right," He replied, and I slowly nodded, knowing he couldn't bring himself to agree.

"Are you sure?" I asked again, hearing him chuckle.

"You'll make me change my mind," Harry threatened humorously, making me laugh.

"Thanks," I smiled, glad he was serious about the topic.

"What for? I'm glad you asked for an expert's opinion,"  He spoke, in a proud tone, making me giggle.

"So that means I'm not going to find any secret beauty marks?" He spoke.

+ + 

As soon as I had gotten off the phone with Harry, I checked my suitcase in curiosity, his words about a surprise hidden in there still ringing in my ears.

I unzipped the suitcase and pulled out the stuffed koala, before rummaging through the familiar clothing pieces. I stopped, once I realized one wasn't familiar at all.

I held up the white piece of clothing, as a note fell out of it.The pilot announced that the plane was landing, so I took the opportunity to quickly change into Harry's John Lennon T-shirt, as Los Angeles temperature was higher that London's. I felt a sense of confusion, as I finished reading the note, tearing it to tiny pieces once I was done. I shut my eyes, trying to get some rest.

+ +

"I missed you too, Kyles," I spoke sincerely, as I embraced my younger sister.

I tiredly climbed the stairs to my room, as I left Kylie with my suitcase. I quietly slipped off my tight jeans, before I threw myself onto my bed, drifting off to sleep with Harry's words still in my head.

Dearest Kendall,

I am writing this as you sleep off your hangover from last night's clubbing. I didn't drink because I wanted to be in my right mind when I confess this to you. 

I know the girl that came the other day. We've met while I was on the X-Factor. We were only friends until one night. I swear I've stayed true to you since.

 The band'll take a break from touring on the twenty-second of this month, and I'll conveniently be in Los Angeles then. 

We really need to meet then. 

I understand if you don't want to talk to me until then but remember I'm yours.

All the love as always x


Our Moment - Hendallحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن