Chapter Thirty Two

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Author's Note: I'm SO sorry for being gone for so long. I had a huge writer's block and a lot of bad things were happening. I just couldn't write at the time. Thankfully, all is finally well now and my writer's block has cleared up. I'll try to update as swiftly as possible from here on out.


Entering the stables, you find Kai waiting for you.

"Hello Kai. How's the training going?" You ask.

Kai smiles. "Surprisingly well."

From behind Kai, a little wolf pup walks out. The same wolf pup you rescued when Arendelle was attacked.

You had asked Kai to help you train him. At first, you were worried it wouldn't be possible since the pup was a wild creature. Luckily, Kai was an experienced animal trainer back in his teen years.

Kneeling down, you pet the little wolf. It leans into your hand, wagging its tail like crazy.

"Have you told Queen Elsa about keeping the wolf yet?" Kai asked.

Getting up, you shake your head. "Not yet. I plan to tell her soon."

Kai sighs. "I hope so. I'm sure you wouldn't want to upset your fiance before you even get married."

Chuckling, you take the pup's leash from Kai. "In that case, I'll tell her now."

Rolling his eyes. Kai wishes you luck and walks out of the stables.

Going to the docks, you wait for Elsa to arrive. The two of you agreed to meet here for a small "date."

Considering Elsa was the queen, she didn't have enough free time to really go on dates with you. Instead, you would meet up every once in a while and talk for about five minutes. It was the closest you'd ever get to a date, unless helping her with her paperwork counted.

Feeling a pair of arms hug you from behind, you turn your head to see Elsa resting her head on your shoulder. Kissing her cheek, you turn around and hug her back.

"Can I ask why you have a wolf puppy on a leash?"

"Well, when I was heading to the Ice Palace when Arendelle was attacked, I fought a bunch of wolves. I found this poor wolf pup, abandoned in a cave, so I took it with me. Kai is helping me train it."

Elsa sighed, looking at the wolf. "It is a wild animal. It is far too dangerous to keep it."

The wolf tilted its head at Elsa, making puppy eyes. You did the same.


The wolf gave a small, questioning bark.

Looking between the two of you, Elsa's will finally snapped. "Fine. But if it hurts anyone, that wolf is going back to the wild."

The little wolf ran in circles around the two of you. The leash caused Elsa and you to get tied up together.

Smiling, Elsa looks at the wolf puppy. You can tell she's already falling in love with it.

"Don't tell me you're already more in love with the wolf than you are with me." You joked, laughing.

Turning to you, Elsa puts her arms around your waist. "I could never love anything more than you."

Kissing you, Elsa caressing your cheek with her hand. You put your free hand on her waist and pull her even closer.

Once the kiss ended, you looked down to find the puppy sitting and staring at you with a content expression on its face.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" Elsa asked.

"Not yet. I wanted to get your permission first." You replied.

Elsa kissed your cheek. "Well, you have it, my love. Make sure it doesn't suck. I have to go now, I promised to meet Anna at the parlor."

Carefully and awkwardly, you untangled yourselves from the leash. Giving you one last kiss, Elsa ran off to see her sister.

Sitting on the docks, your wolf pup put its head on your lap.

You thought about everything that had happened. First, you agreed to Piper Mclean's offer to travel back in time, leaving everything you knew, just to find your soulmate and make sure the time space continuum wasn't broken.

You remembered the first time you saw Elsa. Her ice blue eyes had stared into your very soul. You knew she was the one for you in that very moment.

You became her personal guard. You fought off some pretty nasty creatures, Cire being one of them. Elsa and you got closer. You got harassed by Caleb. And on that same day, Elsa and you kissed for the first time.

There had been a war. People revolted. Elsa almost died. Then she broke up with you. And then you were kidnapped by an angry sorceress, who turned out to be the hooded person from the revolt. She tried to steal your knowledge of the future.

Then, being the amazing Queen in shining armor-er, dress, that she was, Elsa rescued you. The sorceress cursed you with the power of fire, and blasted Elsa with dark magic.

Luckily, your curse, or as you call it, your blessing, saved Elsa. And you told her about being from the future and why you came, which resulted in Elsa doing some very explicit things to you that night.

One year later, you were still courting the Snow Queen. She was your wife to be. Anna and Kristoff were married and going to be happy parents soon. The wolf puppy was finally trained enough to become a pet.

You learned to control your powers. Now, alongside Elsa, you could do anything.

A little over a year ago, somebody could have told you all this would happen, but you wouldn't believe a word of it. All of it seemed to magical, so fictional. But you lived through it.

And now, Elsa and you could finally live your lives together. And nothing could ruin it.

Until you heard a shriek.

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