Chapter Nineteen

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A howl emerged from behind a tree.

You were only halfway up the mountain when you encountered some wolves. The vicious creatures snarled, and you jumped off of Sven's back, telling him and Olaf to hide. You turned to face the enemies, putting on the helmet and taking out the stolen sword and shield.

The wolves threw themselves against your shield, but it held out. You slashed at one that fell at your feet when it slammed your shield. When you deemed it dead, you looked back at the other four wolves.

Being smarter than their fallen comrade, the wolves surrounded you. Not knowing what to do, you just ran up to one and stuck your sword into its head. You forgot use your shield, and the other three wolves had taken their chance. One was clawing at your back, and the other two sank their teeth into your leg and arm.

You yelled and fell forward, feeling the wolves claw at you and bite your body. You slammed the shield on your back, hurting yourself and the wolves, until you could escape their reach. You got back up and faced the wolves. They at ran at you, and you put your shield up and waved your sword in the air desperately, hoping it hit a wolf.

One wolf got pierced in the chest by the sword, while another bumped into your shield. The biggest wolf, who seemed to be the alpha, bit your ankle. You stumbled back, feeling your leg grow numb. As you stumbled, you let go of the blade, which conveniently hit a wolf. That left only the alpha.

You fell onto your butt, and your ankle was to weak to stand on. The alpha growled and stalked toward you.

You nervously laughed and said, "Um, how about we make a truce?"

The wolf could apparently not be domesticated. It ran at you, and your only option was to slam the shield in its face and roll away.

Suddenly, Sven and Olaf ran toward the wolf, who was too focused on you to notice.

Olaf jumped off of Sven and picked up the sword, while Sven ran at the alpha and knocked him off his feet with his antlers. Olaf brought you the blade, and turned away. You inferred that he would rather not watch this. You hopped on one leg to the alpha, who had been slightly pierced in several areas by Sven's antlers, and was bleeding. One blow to the wolf would have ended him.

The wolf looked you in the eye, and you could sense that it was honored to die through such a battle. It was like all those Native American stories about an animal would let itself be slayed and somehow mystically let the man know he had done his job in fighting.

You raised the sword for the final strike, but hesitated. Could you really kill such a beautiful beast?

Leaving it alive would cause it to live a lonely, slow death from bleeding, so you looked away, and gave the final strike.

You decided to take the dead wolves with you, for food and their warm skins, so you stacked the, on your shield, and dragged them along. Sven and Olaf went ahead, and you followed.

Suddenly, you heard some whimpers. Wandering over to a small cave, you found a wolf puppy. You didn't want to leave the poor defenseless thing behind, so you scooped it up, and went back on your journey.

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