Chapter Twenty Five

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In Arendelle, Elsa was staring out of her balcony.

Cire had demanded they be married the day he arrived in Arendelle, which was five days from today.

She cried as she looked out onto the horizon. Letting go of you was the worst thing she had ever done.

Then, somebody knocked on her door. "Elsa, it's me, Anna."

Elsa didn't budge.

"Please, let me in. Don't shut me out." Anna pleaded. No reply. Anna sighed. She walked away from the door. It hurt that her sister shut her out again. She just wanted to know why Elsa left you for Cire. It was so unlike her. Political reasons just had to play into it.

Anna decided to wait for Elsa in her study. There was no way Elsa could avoid her there.

Looking, at the paper's on Elsa's desk, Anna frowned. Why did Elsa have to have so much work?

Then, she saw one odd paper. A treaty with the kingdom of Yerrington. Anna decided to look at it.

Reading the terms, she realized why she ended it with you so coldly. Cire was blackmailing her! Anna raced to tell her boyfriend.

They had to find you!

Back in the mysterious shack, you were fighting for your life, and most of all, the safety of everything that has ever been known.

The sorceress was chanting an odd spell, and slowly, a thin gold aura would flow from your head and into a container.

The most you could resist this was probably for about a day. The ritual was getting stronger, and you noticed that if you thought about anything other than resisting, the thin golden aura would grow stronger, as if she was getting more information.

You would resist. There had to be a way out of this. You had to stop her from enslaving everything.

You had to do this for Elsa. She was probably happy with Cire. But her happiness is all that matters to you.

Looking around, you tried to find a way to free yourself, but there were none.

Suddenly, the door of the wooden shack opened.

Outside, you saw that you were on a cliff. Below, all of Arendelle was visible.

In walked a man you recognized very well. Cire.

He walked up to the sorceress. "I see you are keeping up your part of the deal."

The sorceress smiled. "I have kidnapped the girl, just as you asked. I hope you will keep your part of the deal, King."

King? Why did she call him a king?

Cire put his hand on her shoulder. "I have already let you have the girl for your own desires. And as I promised, I will give you any resources you need for whatever you plan to do, as long as you keep Elsa and me out of it and give us a heir."

"If you do not keep up with these promises..."

"Do not worry, I never break a promise. And neither does Elsa, seeing she has dumped this peasant." Cire replied.

He walked over to you. "How's it going, lowlife?"

"What did you do?" You snarled, glaring at Cire.

"Oh, nothing much. I just had to tell Elsa that she could either become my bride and save everyone, or keep you and doom everything she loves. She chose the right option. Elsa deserves a powerful king. She was probably only ever with you out of pity." Cire said.

"You won't get away with this." You threatened.

"Oh," Cire said, placing his hand on your cheek, "I already have. Now, if you excuse me, I have a few days for my bachelor party, and plenty of girls waiting for me and my artificial genitals. And you should be honored to be destroyed by such a kind, amazing sorceress like this one."

With that, the evil man walked out.

Why did you leave him alone with Elsa? How could you believe that Elsa would be so cold and leave you just like that? Elsa, would she be okay?

You had to get out of here. You had to save Elsa.

If only you knew how.

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