Chapter Twenty Four

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When you woke up, you found yourself tied to a torture bed.

Groaning, you scanned your surroundings. This was not the stable you fell asleep in last night. You seemed to be in a small lodge somewhere. The walls were made of wooden logs.

Suddenly, you heard cackling. Then, a hooded figure appeared. Just like the ones who had almost killed you when you told people about the war back in Arendelle.

The person was wearing the black hood and the same mask as before, and two people behind her appeared wearing gray robes, and the same masks.

"Who are you? What do you want?" You snarled.

The one you guessed was the leader laughed, and took off the mask.

You gasped. It was the woman from the sauna who looked like Elsa.

"I see you have awaken, my test subject." She said.

You glared at her. "Is this because I ran out on you in the sauna?"

The woman raised an eyebrow, looking at you as if you had just said something stupid.

"I would never be interested in something" She said with disgust.

Ouch. That hurt. She may not be Elsa, but she looked like Elsa, which made the insult hurt more than it should have.

"Now, as to who I am, well, you could call me a sorceress. And these are my creations." She said, pointing at the gray figures.

The two things took off their masks. They had no face. They were made out of rock. At first it seemed weird, but considering you were friends with Olaf, Marshmallow, and the snowgies, it wasn't all that weird.

What could this sorceress want?

As if she read your mind, which she probably did, she answered your unspoken question.

"I want to, how should I say it? To put it in a friendlier form, I want to study you."

"Why? I'm a regular human." You said.

The sorceress approached you, putting her hand under your chin. "Oh, you're human alright. But obviously not of this era. Your fighting style, the way you talk, the way you look. I want all of your knowledge."

Your eyes widened. She knew you were from the future.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, you know perfectly. I want your knowledge of whatever things you have. Machines, magic, everything. I want to conquer all of time." She said.

"You haven't even conquered the world as it is today. What makes you think you can conquer of all time." You growled.

She laughed. "If I can master time travel, I can conquer all the simpler eras, making me the ruler of all past, present, and future eras. I want to own every part of time, to be able to use futuristic devices to own everything."

You sneered. "I won't let you do that."

"I was afraid you'd say that. I'll have to take information from you in the more fatal way."

She ordered her rock follower things to hook you up to a giant machine.

You struggled to free yourself from the metal binds, but they seemed to be charmed.

"Say goodbye. Maybe we shall meet when your real era is all mine." The sorceress said.

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