Chapter Twenty Three

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You paced around the halls, waiting for Elsa to come back.

It had been three days since she had left, and she should be back today.

Anna was having a hard time running Arendelle by herself. Elsa was needed.

You also wanted Elsa back. It worried you that she had gone off to Cire's castle by herself. If only she had let you come with her.

Then, you saw her walk in. Her beautiful platinum hair in that perfect braid, those icy blue eyes you love to stare at, her slender and beautiful body, and those lips you love to kiss.

You ran up to her and embraced her. "Elsa, you're okay! I was so worried about you."

Elsa tore away from the hug. "Yes, but we need to talk."

You frowned. "What about, my love?"

Elsa was trying hard to conceal her feelings, and she put on a cold face. "We won't work out."

"Wha-what do you mean we won't work out?" You asked.

Elsa knew that if she told you the true reason for breaking up with you, you would probably try and kill Cire, and hurt yourself and the war in the process.

"I feel nothing for you. We won't ever work out. I want you out of this castle by noon." Elsa said.

Your eyes were filled with tears, your heart shattered. "But Elsa..."

"We are done, and that is final." Elsa walked away.

You stared at her with sadness and heartbreak.You love Elsa so much. How could she just end it like that?

Slowly, you gather the few belongings you have and head towards the exit. Olaf, Sven, Anna, and Kristoff heard about what had happened and greeted you outside the castle gates.

"We are so sorry. I thought Elsa loved you and was happy. I didn't think she would leave you like this." Anna said.

Sighing, you gave them each a hug. "Me neither. But she has banished me from Arendelle. What am I to do now?"

Kristoff put a hand on your shoulder. "Head up towards the North Mountain. There's a place called Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna. You might be able to sleep there for a night or two."

You nodded. "Thanks Kristoff. I'll miss all of you."

Unknown to you, Elsa had been watching the scene from her balcony. Her room was frozen and snowy, and tears fell down her face.

You walked away, and headed towards the place Kristoff told you about. You decided that you would rest there and then try to contact the trolls. Maybe they could help.

By sunset, you had arrived at the place. You entered and found a large man who waved at you.

"Hoo hoo! Big winter blowout! Would you like to try this hay fever remedy of my own invention? It comes with a free visit to the spa!" The man, who you assumed was Oaken, said.

You looked around the place. There weren't many things.

Suddenly, a person walked into the store. A stunning woman grabbed some winter supplies. She looked at you.

"Hey. Who are you?" The woman asked.

You looked at her. She resembled Elsa in so many ways. She pretty much was identical, other than her brown eyes and black hair.

"Oh, I'm just a traveler." You tell her.

The woman laughed. "How interesting."

She turned away and purchased her things, and also bought the hay fever remedy for the sauna visit.

You couldn't help it. She looked so much like Elsa.

You bought your things and some of that hay fever remedy.

In the sauna, there was the woman and a family.

"Hoo hoo! I suppose you met my husband, Oaken." Said a man who was surrounded by children.

The gay family made your broken heart hurt more. It reminded you of Elsa.

The Elsa look alike walked your way. "So, where you staying?"

She gave you a seductive look. You bit your lip, but then closed your eyes. Her similarity to Elsa was too painful a reminder.

"Oh, I have to go." You said.

You ran out of the sauna, picked up your stuff, and ran outside. You found the stables Kristoff had told you about, and ran there to hide.

Tears rolled down your eyes. You missed Elsa so much. You loved her with all your heart. But she didn't love you. She had no feelings for you.

You lay down, crying like a maniac. Why did Elsa stop loving you?

Eventually, you passed out, tears still fresh on your face.

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