Chapter Ten

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That night, there was a party at the castle.

Anna said it was to celebrate when Elsa unfroze everything after she froze Arendelle and made a disaster.

Elsa told you to wear a different suit of armor, something more fitting. She had given you something that was light blue, like her ice dress. It was cool against your skin.

A thought hits you. Did she make this with her powers?

You decide not to wonder how, since she would have to know your measurments.

You met Elsa in the throne room. She was looking very elegant in a royal blue dress that she probably made herself. Her hair was in a bun, keeping the formality. You preferred her hair in a braid.

"You look very beautiful, Elsa." You tell her. Elsa blushes, probably because she's still not used to compliments.

"As do you, (y/n)." Elsa replies, looking over your body. You can feel the heat on your face as you look to the floor.

You spend the party standing next to Elsa's throne as she greets strangers and forces Anna to dance with them. You laugh every time, because the way these people dance is hilarious.

You recognize the tuba player. He was Tobias, the man you saved from drowing. The way his cheeks puffed made you laugh really hard.

Elsa noticed you, and you saw her frowing. Was she jealous?

No, she was probably grossed out by your informal manner. You composed yourself and stood up like a solider.

That didn't stop you from laughing every time you saw Tobias.

Then, you saw Tris approach you. "Hello, your majesty." She said, bowing to Elsa.

Elsa smiled polietly. "Hello there."

Tris turned to you. "Hello (y/n). Thank you again for saving Tobias. He's the provider of the family." She said, pointing to the middle aged tuba player.

You smiled. "You don't have to thank me." Tris turned to Elsa. "She saved my husband from drowing. She jumped right into the dock and lifted him onto the ground."

Elsa looked at you and smiled. "That's my royal guard. Who's your husband?"

"The tuba player, that handsome man." Tris sighed dreamily.

You wished somebody would sigh that way for you.

"I wanted to thank (y/n), so I got my brother. He would like to dance with you." Tris said.

A young man that was about 27 out his hand out for you.

"My name is Caleb. Let us dance." He took your hand and forced you onto the dance floor.

You were not a good dancer. Well, you could do the duggie, but that might be weird in this century.

A slower song started playing. It wasn't a full blown love song, but it was still kind of romantic.

Caleb held you closer than you were comfortable with. "So, I heard you were single."

You swallowed hard. "You could say that, but my heart belongs someone."

Caleb pulled you even closer. His hand was creeping down to places it shouldn't.

"Am I that person?" Caleb asked, before forcing his lips onto yours.

You struggled in his grip, eyes open, as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.

Elsa and Anna pulled him off you.

"Caleb, she obviously doesn't want you. Please leave the castle." Elsa said angrily.

"Are you okay?" Anna asked you, with big puppy eyes.

You nodded. "I'm disgusted, but I'm fine."

Elsa led you away from the party, leaving Anna in charge.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Asked Elsa.

"Yeah. A lot of people are rude like that. At least he didn't rape me." You replied.

Elsa nodded. "I wouldn't let him."

"Why?" You ask.

Elsa didn't respond. Instead, she started leaning in. You leaned in too.

When your lips where almost touching, you heard Olaf walking in.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" He said.

Elsa and you had jumped away from each other. You were on opposite sides of the room.

"I was just making sure (y/n) was okay." Elsa said.

"You're missing the party! Come back, guys!" Olaf said waddling out.

Elsa walked out and you followed.

The rest of the night, you and Elsa stood side by side, not saying anything. It felt so right.

When the only people left were Elsa, Anna, and you, Anna whispered something into Elsa's ear.

Elsa was shaking her head, almost pleading for something to not happen. Eventually, she fell for her sister's puppy eyes.

Anna bounced over to you. "Since you two had a very bad night, I'm forcing you to slow dance together. Goodnight!"

She left the room and locked the doors.

You and Elsa glanced at each other. She shrugged and walked over to you.

You put one hand on her waist and one on her shoulder. Elsa did the same.

You started moving to imaginary music. In reality, you were just stepping on each other's feet.

"So...Elsa...what happened to Cire?" You ask.

"What? Who? Oh, Cire? He's still locked up in the dungeon. The only food he gets is a small cracker in the morning. We'll send him back to his kingdom when his parents reply." Elsa said.

"That's great. He still doesn't deserve anything for what he tried to do." You say.

"Well, his royalty forces us to cut some slack on him. If she could, Anna would have murdered Hans for hurting me." Elsa said.

You chuckle. "I would help her. Nobody can hurt you and get away with it."

Elsa blushed. "Why are you so sweet?"

You bit your lip and looked away.

Elsa put her hand on your face and turned it towards her face.

Slowly, both of you leaned in.

Love Has No Limits (Elsa X Female Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora