Chapter Eighteen

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The sound of yells was not exactly the most pleasant sound to wake up to.

You had been taking a nap when some yelling woke you up. Quickly, you jumped up and ran out.

Canons boomed, and fire was everywhere. You looked around in a haze, and realized the castle was being attacked.

You ran into all the rooms to see if you could find anybody, but alas, everyone seemed to be out except you.

Elsa was nowhere in sight, which relieved you and made you panic at the same time.

Where was Elsa? Was she dead under all the rubble? Had she been kidnapped?

Your thoughts were interrupted as the castle was hit again, and more of it fell down. You heard a small cry of pain and raced towards it.

"Who's there? Is anybody there?" You yelled, running towards the sound.

A small neigh came from a pile of rubble.

"Sven?" You asked.

A grunt confirmed your suspicions. "Wait a second buddy, I'm going to try to get you out."

You walked around the pile of rubble and found a medium rock big enough for Sven to get out of, that wouldn't cause the pile to collapse if removed. Or at least, that's what you hoped.

"I'm going to push a big rock in so you can get out." You warned Sven, before pushing the rock.

After what seemed like forever, the rock finally loosened up and you were able to push it out as if you were playing Jenga with huge, heavy rocks.

You grunted as you slowly pushed the rock in, and it finally fell in. Sven moved aside so he wouldn't be flattened by the rock, and then hopped out.

"Are you okay?" You asked him, checking his body. He nodded.

"Where are the others?" You asked him urgently. Sven pointed his antlers in a direction.

You hopped on his back. "Take me to them!"

Sven galloped off, avoiding falling rocks and fire as best as he could. You both got a few scrapes and burns, but you arrived mostly safely at an open door that somehow wasn't blocked yet. You never saw this door before, so you guessed it was some sort of secret door.

You rode out, and found ashes scattered everywhere. Burned clothes lay on the ground. You rode some more to find dead bodies.

Sven and you kept riding until you found Olaf, who was hiding in a tree.

"(Y/n)? Sven? Thank god you guys found me. I am scared. I can't get down." Olaf said from his tree.

"Hold on Olaf. I'll get you down. Have you seen anybody else?" You asked, climbing up the tree.

"Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff were able to run away with two servants, but I have no idea where everybody else is! Elsa tried to fight back with her powers, but she couldn't save anybody else. Nobody knew where you were!" Olaf explained.

You safely retrieved Olaf into your arms and jumped back down onto Sven.

"Where could they be?" You asked.

Olaf shrugged. "Hmm, I don't know! Oh wait, maybe they are in a safe and warm place!"

You thought about it. Where could Elsa have gone to hide?

You remembered Anna telling you about how when Elsa's powers got revealed. She had ran to the mountains and made her Ice Castle.

"Sven, run to the Ice Castle, quick!" You ordered.

Sven started galloping, but you quickly told him to stop when you saw the best possible thing you could see other than a safe and happy Elsa.

A dead guard of the enemy lay on the ground, but he wore slightly different armor. His helmet seemed to be one of a general. You searched his pocket and found some war plans. You took his shield, sword, and helmet, and continued your journey to the Ice Castle.

You were going to find and protect Elsa, no matter what it took.

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