Chapter Seven

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You woke up midnight when you heard a sound.

"What is that?" You say to yourself.

Quietly, you put on some shoes, grab a dagger, and wander out of your room.

Under the light of the moon, you saw Prince Cire creeping away from his bedroom.

He wouldn't be sneaking around if he wasn't up to something, right? You follow him to the kitchen.

You saw Elsa in her nightgown, looking very beautiful, drinking something. She was looking down at her drink, failing to see the prince.

You hid behind a curtain, hoping Cire wouldn't see you.

"Why, Queen Elsa, you look very gorgeous tonight." Cire said, touching Elsa's shoulder.

Elsa jumped from her seat. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Well, I said that if you wanted Arendelle and Yerrington to be partners, you needed to give me a heir." Cire said.

"But that comes after marriage!" Elsa exclaimed.

"I want you right here, right now." Cire said, ripping Elsa's nightgown off and pinning her to the ground.

Without hesitation, you ran to Cire's side and pushed him off Elsa before he could pull his pants down.

"I told you not to interfere, girl!" Cire sneered.

"Rape is disgusting. I don't care about your stupid threats. I have lost all my respect for you, if I ever had any for you." You said, pinning Cire against the floor.

You pulled Cire's pants down and stuck the dagger in his testicle. You quickly pulled it out and put it in the other one.

"Want a heir? Too bad, douche. I'm not letting any kid have a horrible dad like you." You growled.

Cire howled in pain. You took the dagger out and wiped the blood off with Cire's shirt. You would wash it later. For now, you wanted to keep it away from Cire, so you kept it in your hand.

You quickly ran to Elsa. "Are you okay?" You asked her.

"Yeah, I'm just, well, not wearing anything." Elsa said. Both of you blushed and you quickly looked away. You didn't think you could handle Elsa naked.

"Right. Well, I suggest you go back to your room, and, uh, lock it. I can take care of this." You said.

"Thanks, (y/n). Don't do anything rash." Elsa said.

"Might be a little late for that." You responded.

You heard Elsa's footsteps grow distant. You ordered some guards to lock up Cire in the dungeon.

You also wrote a letter explaining the situation. Hopefully, the king and queen of Yerrington would understand. You sent the letter with some of Cire's men, threatening to do something much worse than stabbing their testicles if they did something bad.

All in all, you considered this night to be quite a successful one.

You tucked yourself into bed and fell into a deep slumber, dreaming of the queen.

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