Chapter Four

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The next day, Elsa and her friends were going sledding.

She wanted to go without you, but Anna insisted.

You jogged behind the group, because Elsa didn't feel like giving you a horse. It was fine, because after 22 years of living in the modern world, you were extremely out of shape.

When you got there, everyone got on sled except you. As you watched them sled down the mountains, you stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do.

Somebody tapped you on the shoulder, scaring you out of your thoughts. You fell into the snow face first.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Anna said, helping you up.

You smiled. "Yeah. My face is a little colder than usual, but I'm fine."

Anna laughed, and pointed out your red nose. "How's the first day going?" Anna asked.

"Normal, I guess. Its better than any job I've had before." You said. That was true.

"What did you do before?" Anna asked. You quickly fabricated a lie that had some truth in it.

"Well, my lifestyle could be considered one of nobility, but I was treated like a servant. I ran away and found Grand Pabbie. I'm supposed to protect Queen Elsa. I'm not quite sure why." Well, everyone in the modern world would be considered to be living like a king, with all the gadgets, your bosses treated you like a servant, and you did leave your world to find Grand Pabbie. It was the truth.

Anna frowned. "But if you're noble, when did you learn to fight?" You bit your lip.

"Well, I wanted to know how to protect myself. You never know when you might need it," you said.

Anna looked like she wanted to say something, but Kristoff yelled from across a pond.

"Anna, come on! Its time to eat!"

Anna grabbed your wrist and dragged you to Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven. "Let's tell them!" Anna exclaimed.

You quickly yanked your wrist from her hand. "Its fine. You don't have to. Besides, I have to protect Elsa, right?" You said. You didn't know of you could keep up with all the lies you would have to tell.

Anna sighed and went to the group. You sat down by a nearby tree to keep guard. You weren't very keen on the idea at first, but this was actually the coolest job you ever had. 

You took out an apple you had packed earlier and took a bite. While you were having a fight with the apple as you tried to eat it, Elsa looked your way. She smiled and rolled her eyes at seeing you struggle, making you blush and feel slightly embarrassed that the queen had to witness that.

When you had finally finished your apple, everyone was ice skating at the pond. You could have sworn it was unfrozen before, but maybe you weren't paying attention.

All of a sudden, Anna screamed. You looked at her and saw that she had fallen into the ice. Without hesitation, you got up and dived into the frozen water. You took hold of Anna and got her out, barely making it onto the ice yourself. Using the little adrenaline you had left, you carried Anna and handed her to Kristoff.

While they attended to Anna, you started doing jumping jacks. You remember reading that if you ever fell into frozen water, the best thing to do is get out as quickly as possible and do exercise.

"She's freezing! What do we do?" Kristoff asked.

"Warmth, she needs to get her temperature up. I'm just so relieved it wasn't by my powers," replied Elsa.

Powers? What did Elsa mean?

You decided to not over think it. Anna was dying, and you needed to help. You jogged up to them.

"I know how to fix this. She needs to get up and run. Now." You said, running in circles around them.

Elsa raised an eyebrow. "What..."

"Just tell her to do it!" You said, taking Anna from Kristoff's arms. You held Anna, and helped walk in circles. Eventually, the two of you ran side by side.

"I'm...feeling...better!" Anna panted. "Stay here. I'll be right back." You said, grabbing your sword.

Luckily, you paid attention in history class. If your teacher was right, these woods were filled with bears. You ran into the woods, and quickly found a bear. If you could kill it and shed it, you could make a coat for Anna and yourself.

Didn't Piper say something about not killing anybody? You hoped this didn't count.

Running towards it, you raised your sword. Just as you were about to strike, the bear turned around. It sank its fangs into your thigh. You buried your sword into its back, stabbing it repeatedly. Eventually, the bear let go of your thigh and fell into the snow.

You carefully took the fur off the bear, washing it in the nearby river. You cut it into two equal pieces. You stumbled to Anna, using your sword as a cane. She stopped running when she saw you. You draped it across her shoulders.

"(Y/n), what happened? Your leg..." Anna said.

"Come on, let's go back to the castle." You said.


"Anna, come on. Get on Sven with Kristoff." Elsa interrupted.

"What about you and (y/n)?" Anna asked.

"I'll stay with her. You, Kristoff, and Olaf need to go back to the castle." Elsa said.

Kristoff scooped up Anna in his arms and jumped on Sven.

"Sven and I will come back for you later guys! Stay safe!" Olaf yelled as they faded into the distance.

You felt a sharp pain in your leg, and you collapsed in the snow.

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