Chapter Thirty One

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Sitting at the huge fountain in the castle's garden, you gazed at the sky. The sun was setting, and you were waiting for Elsa, who had told you to come here and wait for her.

You looked at the ring in your palm. It was a small, silver ring that had a a blue diamond. The diamond had a snowflake carved into it, custom made for Elsa by one of Arendelle's best artisans.

It wasn't much, but you hoped Elsa would like it. You weren't sure when you would give it to her, but you didn't have time to hide it in your room, so you stuffed it in your pocket instead.

Suddenly, you heard the sound of water freezing. You looked behind to find the water of the fountain frozen into a heart, with Elsa standing on the other side.

Walking to the other side, you put your arms around Elsa's neck, kissing her. Elsa put her arm around your waist, using her other hand to caress your cheek.

As the two of you made out, you undid her magnificent braid and ran your fingers through her hair.

This is where you belonged. With Elsa. In each others' arms.

When the kiss ended, Elsa put her forehead on yours.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Getting down on one knee, Elsa took out a black box. "(Y/n), I am so in love with you and nobody has ever made me feel so special as you can. Will you marry me?"

Blushing, you get down on one knee as well, and take out the ring you got for her. "I was going to ask the same of you, my love. I love you so much and I do not regret anything I have done for you. I wat to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me, Elsa?"

Redder than a tomato, Elsa bites her lip. "Only if you marry me."

Chucking , you slip the ring onto Elsa's finger. "Deal."

Giving you your ring, Elsa tackles you to the ground, kissing your entire face.

Despite enjoying the affection Elsa was showing, you put two hands on the sides of her face and forced her to look you in the eyes. "I love you more than there are stars in the universe."

Even though what you just said was extremely cheesy, Elsa blushed madly. "And I'll love you even after the end of time."

After kissing your new fiance for an extended period of time, you move on to kiss Elsa's shoulders and neck.

"I believe you owe me for leaving me all alone earlier." You whisper into her ear.

Elsa nods excitedly. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you."

Intertwining her fingers with yours, the two of you quickly go to your bedroom.

The next morning, Elsa and you show up for breakfast a little late for unexplained reasons.

Sitting down at the table, you glance at Anna and Kristoff, who were shaking from happiness.

"Hey guys! How are you?" Anna asked, gushing from excitement.

You and Elsa glance at each other, raising an eyebrow.

"We're good. What about you?" Elsa says, looking at her sister.

"I'm great! Actually, I'm better than great! I'm wonderful! Absolutely perfect!" Anna said.

"Did something good happened?" You asked.

Anna nodded, looking at Kristoff. "Well, I'm, no, we're, is that even right? Well, anyways, me and Kristoff, wait no, Kristoff and I, are going to be parents!"

Grinning, you congratulate them. Elsa smiles, getting up to hug her sister.

"When did you find out?" Elsa asked.

"Well, Anna was throwing up a lot lately, so I forced her to go to the doctor yesterday." Kristoff explained with a wide smile. He looked proud, and you were sure he would be a great father.

Sven and Olaf, who were also sitting at the table, were jumping around in joy. "Anna's gonna have a baby! Oh, I wonder if its a boy or girl! What do you think Sven?"

Sven answered with an excited noise, running around the table to Kristoff's side.

After everything finally calmed down, everybody continued eating their breakfast with joy.

"That's not the only good news there is today." You said, looking at Elsa.

Anna looked between the two of you. "What is it?"

Elsa stretched, making sure her ring was easily seen. You faked yawn, covering your mouth with your left hand and making sure the ring was very visible.

Olaf looked confused. "Am I missing something here? What's going on? Are you going to tell us or not?"

Anna figured it out first. "Wait a second. You're both wearing rings. On your left hands. On the ring finger. YOU TWO GOT ENGAGED?"

Elsa and you nodded. "We accidentally proposed to one another last night at the same time."

Anna laughed. "I set (Y/n) up so she would propose, but I never thought Elsa would propose too! Elsa, why didn't you tell me? I thought you told me everything!"

Elsa raised an eyebrow. "I tried to, but I haven't seen you around lately. I suppose you were busy trying to get that baby of yours, hmm?"

Blushing, Anna went back to her food.

After some moments of awkward silence, Kristoff suggested that all of you celebrate by going sledding. Everyone agreed, and you all rushed to finish your meals.

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