You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 23

Start from the beginning

“Surprised is not the word Tabby! I wake up this morning and find my nose stuck in his abs!” she cried. “I mean, do you know what that feels like? How embarrassing it is?! NO!” she said, folding her arms over her chest.

“So that’s why you look so flushed.” I snickered.

“Shut up Tabby! I’m flushed because lying on someone’s lap for eight hours isn’t exactly the coolest place to sleep is it?!”

She was in full annoyed mood by now. “Yeah, yeah. Or you were embarrassed when you found out how close you’d been to Max for that long.” I said, avoiding a slap that was heading for my arm.

“Tabby! Don’t try and make this seem like a joke! You know what I’m like!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, by the looks of it, pretty violent.” I said.

She stuck out her bottom lip and sat on the bar stool in a huff.

“Morning.” I said as Jake padded through the doorway, ruffling his hair.

“Morning, how was your night Paloma?” he smirked.

“Delightful.” Paloma remarked sarcastically.

He snickered and helped himself to juice. This was his second home.

“Talking of Max, where is he?” I asked, genuinely wanting to know where he was.

“He went to the toilet I guess.” Jake shrugged. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back to see Paloma quicker than you can say…”

“Morning.” Max said, coming in and cutting Jake off mid sentence.

“Told you.” Jake stated, sitting down at the breakfast bar with his glass.

“Told you what?” Max asked, taking a seat right next to Paloma.

“Paloma was worrying where you’d got to.” Jake smirked again.

“I was not! Tabby was the one who asked after you!” Paloma exclaimed suddenly.

Max laughed. “Wow, I’m loved.” he grinned at Paloma.

“By some more than others.” Jake said.

I was surprised Paloma didn’t hit him then. I didn’t really think there was a need to though, the look she gave him then could’ve caused more pain than one of her slaps any day.


That week, Paloma gave glares to almost anyone who joked about her blossoming relationship with Max.

The ratty chihuahua was back temporarily. We tried to avoid making fun of her, because we knew how tetchy she got, but Jake couldn’t help himself by bringing up the odd jokey remark.

I’d decided to tell Paloma about the talk me and my mum had in a couple of weeks. I was mega busy, with the date this Friday and the homework and revision and Christmas plans. I was up to my ears in almost everything.

Friday came around quicker than expected, the weeks seemed to be mashing together with all that was weighing down on my brain.

I slumped in French this Friday afternoon, wishing I was in bed. Our teacher still wasn’t here, and we had a man supply this time. Usually Paloma lusted after them if she thought they were ‘fit’ or whatever, but today, she was unusually quiet, copying out of the textbook and actually doing the work.

“Oi, what do you think you’re doing?!” I asked incredulously.

She looked up, frowning. “The work, duh.”

I laughed, “I know that. But you usually eye up the male teachers, don’t you?” I said.

She grinned. “Yeah, well, I personally think musicians are much cuter. Drummers for example.” she winked, going back to her work.

I laughed.

“That and I’m nervous about tonight. God, what will I wear?!” she said over dramatically.

“Clothes perhaps?” the teacher answered before me.

I laughed so hard, I almost stopped breathing, Paloma seemed to see the funny side of it though.

“Excellent idea sir! I’ll definitely follow your advice!” Paloma answered brightly.

Covers are always made so much better when the teacher has an actual sense of humour.


Jake was sleeping soundly in my bed with me, still fully clothed even though he’d brought his pyjamas. Paloma was on the futon mum had got out of the twins’ room. I was surprised she could breathe on that, considering she was on it with Max and it was only meant for one person.

I was the only one awake still. It felt weird not having Bree here.

Tonight’s date had gone well though. We’d gone to the movies, then KFC afterwards. Classy, I know, but it was Paloma’s choice and the boys paid, so I wasn’t complaining.

Paloma was definitely more comfortable with Max; well it looked like she was anyway.

“I don’t know what you were so nervous about.” I’d said to her when we were coming home.

“Well, you know, it’s weird. I don’t date Tabby, you know that. My first love has always been food, there’s never really been someone there.” she’d answered sincerely.

I’d laughed at that comment. It was true after all.

I turned over, smiling to myself. Jake was facing me, his hair a mess already. I blew onto his face.

“WOAH!” he shouted, suddenly sitting up.

I laughed, as Max sat up, confused and disoriented. Paloma laughed with me, her eyes still closed.

“Tabby! Don’t do that!” Jake said, giving me a poke in the ribs.

I laughed again because it tickled. Jake joined in as Max shrugged and settled back down.

“Sorry.” I said, breathless from my laughing.

“You will be.” he said, pulling me in.

I squirmed, wondering what he was planning to do to me. I was surprised when he left his arms around me in a hug. I breathed out a sigh of relief, as I settled down to the sight of Jake’s face inches from mine, a slight smile on his lips.

It was hard to believe only a couple of months ago, we were still best friends, hiding our true feelings from each other. I fell asleep, smiling to myself again. Good thing nobody could see me, I’d bet anything I looked like an idiot.

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