Chapter 9

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"Bilbo, are you coming?"

"Yes," The hobbit said sadly as he looked at Rivendell one last time.

They walked through the mountains in the cover of darkness.

Zephira was back into her old clothes, and had given Thorin his shirt back with a flush rising to her cheeks. He would have let her keep it, but she insisted. "Wouldn't, uh, wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong ideas about us."

But as they walked through the cold rainy mountains, she wished she had kept it, for now she was soaked to the bone, and freezing cold. She didn't even have a hood to pull up.

Thorin saw her, dripping wet and shivering, and pulled his cloak over her so it somewhat sheltered her from the wind and rain.

She looked up at him. "What are...? Thank you."

He only nodded.

Bilbo slipped on the icy rocks then, nearly falling, but Bofur grabbed onto him and pulled him up.

Then someone cried, "Look out!" And a massive boulder came hurtling towards them. It crashed against the side of the mountain and shards of rock rained down on them.

"This is no thunderstorm!" Balin yelled. "It's a thunder battle!" He pointed, and Zephira gasped.

"Well bless me, the legends are true!" Bofur said, stepping out from his hiding place a bit. "Giants! Stone giants!"

At that moment, the ledge they were standing on moved, and started to split in half. The crack formed directly between Fili and Kili, underneath Kili's foot. He jumped back, and his brother yelled, "Kili! Kili, take my hand!" He reached out, but his brother paused a moment too long, and soon they were too far away.

Kili looked on in horror as Fili was drawn away from him. Now, he was scared. He looked around, and saw that they were on the knee-caps of yet another stone giant.

Everyone screamed as they flew through the night, gripping the rocks around them for dear life.

The rock Thorin was on slammed into a stationary mountain, and he ran off, calling the rest after him. They all got off, but the other half of the Company was still out there.

Thorin whirled around, trying to see who was left out there.






The giant got hit by the others, and started to fall. It's knees bent, and went slamming into the side of the mountain, the company screaming and shouting.

As it bounced off and continued to fall, Thorin saw that it's knees were bare.

"No!" He yelled. "Fili!"

He went running towards where they fell. He rounded a corner... And saw them lying unharmed. He sighed in relief.

"Where'd Bilbo? Where's the hobbit?" Bofur cried.

Zephira got up shakily and looked around. "There!" She called, pointing to the edge of the cliff.

Bilbo was dangling off the side, hanging on by his fingers.

Bofur and Ori dove towards him just as he slipped, and grabbed his arms. They tried to pull him up, but couldn't quite pull hard enough.

Thorin leaped down onto a lower ledge and grabbed the hobbit by the back of his vest. He threw him up to safety, and went to pull himself up, but his footing slipped and he started to fall.

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