Bonus Chapter 6

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This happened right after the Zephira and Fili fought right near the beginning. This is also basically fluff. It's cute. Enjoy, more bonuses to come xxx


"Hold still, let me make sure your wrist is alright."

"I'm fine, Fili, really. It doesn't even hurt anymore."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I've only said it ten times!"

"Fine," he dropped his brothers wrist.


"You know she knows about us now."



"Only just now? I would have thought she'd have figured it out far sooner." Kili grinned.

"It's not a laughing matter!"

"And I'm not laughing."


"I don't see what the big problem is!"

"The problem is /her!/ She's /insane!/"

"Don't call her that!"


"She's not insane."

"Oh, Mahal. She hasn't actually fooled you into thinking she's actually sane, did she?"

"No, of course not. She's not... Not all there, but she's not insane. She's not walking around muttering to herself in some made-up language. She isn't killing us off in our sleep. She isn't seeing us as orcs. She's not insane, Fili."

He made a face. "I don't trust her."

"Why not?"

"Why do you?" He spat. "Is it because of your secret little crush on her?"

Kili's eyes widened. "What in the-? What are you talking about?"

"I know you stare at her! She said it!"

"So now you can trust her?"

Fili said nothing.

"And I heard her too. I heard her tell you that she knows /you/ look at her." Kili said venomously. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Listen. I'm pretty sure we all stare at her. How could we not? She's stunning, none of us can deny it."

"I can."

"Then you're lying. I'm not mad about that, I can't be." He took his brothers hands in his. "I know that you're mine, and you know that I'm yours. Nothing and no one will ever change that."

Fili looked up at him. "Good." He kissed him lightly. "That's good."

"And anyways, it isn't her fault she's like how she is. It's those goblins who Broke her and killed her brother." He shook his head. "If I ever find out which goblins did it, I'll kill them."

Fili smiled. "You care too easily. And you think too rashly."

"Yet you still love me." He teased.

"Of course." He kissed him again. "And I'll never stop."

"Good," Kili said, smiling against Fili's lips. "That's good."

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