Chapter 11

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"Why are wargs after us again?" Krayna called from below Zephira.

"Ah, well, we aren't exactly sure." She called back. "They've just kind of been after us for a while."

Then, they saw him.

Krayna sucked in a breath. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Azog," Thorin breathed.

The Pale Orc stroked his Warg. "Do you smell it?" He said in the Black Speech. "The smell of fear?"

He looked at the dwarf prince. "I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin, son of Thrain."

Thorin stared at him. "It cannot be." Zephira looked over at him, hearing the fear in his voice.

Azog pointed his metal arm at him. "That one is mine. Kill the others!"

And the wargs charged at them, jumping at the trees.

The Company shouted and screamed, some of the wargs getting too close for comfort.

Then, the trees started to fall back. They were forced to jump from tree to tree to keep from falling to the wargs.

When there was only one tree left, Zephira turned to Gandlaf, who appeared to be whispering to a moth. "Ah, Gandalf? What now!?"

He let the moth go and grabbed a pinecone. He swirled his staff around it, making it smoulder like there was fire in it. "Here!" He called, dropping it to her.

She cried out, tossing it back and forth between her hands, then threw it at the wargs. It missed, landing on one of the fallen trees.

"Damn!" She cried. Then the tree lit up, causing the wargs to back off a bit. She grinned and looked over at Krayna. "Start more!"

Krayna grinned as well and grabbed a pinecone. She whispered something and the pinecone lit up. She touched it to another one, and tossed it to Zephira. Zephira touched hers to another and tossed it to Fili.

They soon had a system of flaming pinecones going, and they created a barrier between them and the wargs.

They all cheered, then cried out as their tree started falling back towards empty air. Soon the tree was horizontal, barely clinging to the edge of the cliff.

Dori slipped and was dangling off a branch. Ori fell and grabbed onto his brothers legs.

Everyone was screaming.

"Zephira, we can get out of here." Krayna said. "Lets go!"

"You can, I can't." She replied.

"What do you... Oh. Oh, Zephira."

Then they heard a cry, and Dori slipped off the branch, calling out "Mr Gandalf!"

The wizard threw out his staff, and the dwarf caught hold of the end.

Krayna turned back to her friend. "I can take you. We can get out of this."

"I'm not leaving them!"

"Why not?"

"Because they... Thorin, NO!"

Thorin had risen up and was running down the length of the tree towards Azog, who was sitting atop his warg, arms spread out, inviting him to attack.

Thorin let out a yell and jumped.

He was met by Azog's club.

Dwalin cried out and tried to get up, but nearly fell during the process.

Thorin landed in the ground hard, winded. Then the warg picked him up in his mouth and bit down.

"No!" Zephira sobbed as Thorin cried out in pain.

The warg chomped down again, and Thorin managed to raise his arm up and swipe at it's nose with his ax.

It snarled and threw him. Thorin landed hard again, and didnt move.

Zephira was screaming his name, and didn't notice when Bilbo stood up and began walking down the tree like Thorin had.

"Bring me his head." Azog said to an Orc.

The Orc nodded and walked towards the wounded dwarf.

Thorin saw him, and grabbed at his sword, but he couldn't quite reach.

He stared up as the Orc drew back its blade, them brought it down...

And was tackled by a flying hobbit.

Bilbo brought his sword down on the orcs chest, then stabbed him again and again until it was dead.

He jumped back up, and stood in front of Thorin. "Stay back!" He cried at the orcs and wargs, swinging his sword awkwardly. "I'm warning you!"

Then, there was a tremendous cry, and the orcs and wargs were swarmed by dwarves and witches.


Short, but if I kept going it would get too long.

And anyways, I said that I would upload this soon, didnt I?

Not sure how accurate this part is, but I tried. A for effort

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