Bonus Chapter 1

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It was many, many years before she joined the Company when Zephira first got her powers.

She had been swimming in a small lake with Kellain, Krayna and Nex.

She had begun to backstroke away from the others when it hit her.

The pain slammed into her head like a club, and she cried out.

"Oh, stop playing, Zephira." Nex had said. "I'm tired of your tricks."

"I-I'm not- ahh!" She cried again and went under the water.

"Zephira? Zephira!"

She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut and held her breath.

Images flashed through her mind, making no sense to her.

A blonde girl she had never seen before, brown eyes bright as she laughed.


A boy, dark hair and light eyes just like hers... "Zephira, come on! You're so slow!"


A whisper... Someone telling her something important...


Back to the girl. Her eyes no longer happy, but sad. "Zephira, something's happening. Something-"


"Zephira! Zephira, listen, I'm fine, I'll be fine! Whatever you do, don't tell them-!"


The whisper again... "Zephira... Álainn Aurum Croí..."


She opened her eyes and let out a scream. Her lungs burned! She swam up and burst to the surface, taking a huge breath...

... Except she wasn't quite at the surface. She got a lung-full of water instead of air.

Just as her vision started to fade, someone grabbed her arm and yanked her up.

She gasped for breath as her back hit the beach, water spewing from her mouth.

She coughed and heaved as she rolled to her side.

"Are you alright? Zephira, say /something/!" Nex cried.

She took a few more shaky breaths before saying, "What... The hell... Just happened to me?"

"Maybe you should tell us." Krayna said.

"I-I saw things? And my head... Mäläi but it hurt..."

"Oh!" Kellain breathed. "You're a prophetess!"

"I'm a prophetess?"

"Yes!" She grinned. "Oh, Z, this is so exciting!"

"Yeah, it was loads of fun!" She snapped. "I nearly drowned!"

Kellain's face fell. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. "You're the first out of us, aside from Nyx."

Zephira frowned as well. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude. I'm..." She cleared her throat. "I just didn't expect to get powers for a while. Aren't I a bit young?"

Krayna shrugged. "Early bloomer?"

"But I haven't... I haven't even bled yet."

That caused them all to frown.

"That is odd." Nex agreed.

"Maybe you're just... Maybe you'll get it today?"


"Or maybe you're just a freak." Nex teased.

"Hey!" Zephira said, but not without a small smile. "Maybe I'm special. Unique. Destined for greatness."

Krayna rolled her eyes. "You? You can barely start a fire."

"Oh, shut up, Krayna."

They all grinned, then, as if she couldn't keep quiet any longer, Kellain blurted, "So what did you see?"

Zephira looked at her. "I'm not sure. A girl, blonde, brown eyes. She looked... She looked a bit like you and your sister." She said, speaking to Nex. "And a boy... I think he looked a bit like me."

The other girls' eyes were wide with wonder.

"And then... Someone spoke to me... Told me my... My True Name..."

Zephira didn't think it was possible, but the girls' eyes widened even more.

Krayna stifled a gasp. "Does that mean... Do you understand the Old Tongue now?"

Zephira shook her head. "No. No, I don't know what it meant."

/But I'll never forget how it sounds/, she added in her head.


Okay, so, first bonus one down. I have a lot more done as well, I'm going to try to space out the updates, gotta make them last until December.

So yeah, vote and comment, and if you have any ideas for a bonus chapter let me know! I'd really appreciate it :) thanks guys!! xoxo

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