Chapter 2

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Bilbo Baggins sat down at his dinner table. He was just about to take a bit of fish, when a knock came at his door. "What? Who...?" He got up and opened the door.

A girl stood there. "Hello." She said.

"Um. Hi."

"Are you going to invite me in?"

"Oh. Yes. Sorry. Please, come in." He opened the door wider and let her in.

She stepped inside. "So. No one else is here yet?"

"I- no. Why would-"

"Another will be arriving soon. Best be prepared."

"How do you-?" Another knock came at the door.

Bilbo ran over and opened it. There stood a dwarf. "Dwalin. At your service." He said with a small bow.

Bilbo stared at him. "Um. Bilbo Baggins at yours?" Dwalin stepped inside. "Uh, do we know each other?"

Dwalin gave him an odd look. "No." He took off his cloak. "Which way, laddie? Is it down here?"

"I-is what down where?"

"Supper. He said there'd be food, and lots of it."

"'H-he said'? Who said?"

While all this was happening, the witch was hidden in the corner, trying not to laugh. She almost lost it when Dwalin was eating Bilbo's supper, but covered her mouth with her hand. Bilbo had quite forgotten about her.

"It's just that, um, I wasn't expecting company." Just then, another knock came.

"That'll be the door." Dwalin said.

Bilbo opened it to reveal another dwarf. "Balin, at your service." He said with a smile and a bow.

"...good evening." Bilbo said.

"Yes, yes it is." Balin said, stepping inside. "Although I think it might rain later. Am I late?"

"Late for what?"

Balin turned around. "Oh, haha!" He cried when he saw Dwalin. "Evenin' brother."

"By my beard," Dwalin said. "Your shorter and whiter then last we met."

"Whiter, not shorter." He corrected. "Sharp enough for both of us."

They both chuckled, and grasped each other by the shoulders.

WHAM! The head-butted each other, then grinned and went to get more food, as Bilbo followed them around, trying to understand why they were in his house. "I like visitors as much as the next hobbit, but I do like to know them before they come /visiting./"

It was then that the witch decided to step out. "Forgotten me, eh? How rude."

"Oh!" He squeaked.

Balin and Dwalin turned to face her.

"A witch?" Exclaimed Balin. "What might you be doing here?"

"Witch?!" Bilbo cried.

"I was invited as you were," She answered. "Now. Would anyone care to get me some ale?"

The doorbell rang, and Bilbo went to open it. Two young dwarves stood there, and Bilbo made a distressed sound.

"Fili," Said the blonde one.

"And Kili," said the other."

"At your service," they said together, bowing at the waist.

"You must be Mr. Boggins!" Kili said happily.

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