Chapter 28

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The Company rode Beorn's ponies and horses hard, barely resting until they reached Mirkwood.

"We haven't seen any orcs since Beorn's." Fili said.

"Luck must be on our side." Thorin said with a nod.

The bear-like shape out of the corner of Zephira's eye made her think that it was a little more than luck.

She looked before her at the twisted trees and branches of Mirkwood forest.

She hadn't been here in ages. Not since it was called Greenwood.

"This forest feels sick." Bilbo was saying. "As though a disease lies upon it."

Zephira swung down off her pony. She felt something, too. Something. Much more ominous.

An exchanged look of distress between the witch and Gandalf set them both in motion towards the trees.

The dwarves were speaking, untying the ponies on Gandalfs command, but she payed little attention.

Gandalf looked lost in thought, as though remembering something.

"What is on your mind?" Zephira asked him.

"Only something the Lady Galadriel told me."

Zephira frowned. So she wasn't the only one the Lady of the Light had unnerved.

They came to a statue covered in vines.

There was a ringing in Zephira's ears.

In one quick motion, Gandalf swept the vines away.

Zephira cried out and leaped back, while Gandalf only closed his eyes.

A red eye was painted on the statue.

"That- that is-"

"Yes, Zephira. It is."

She looked up, eyes wide. "What does this mean?" She asked, her voice a whisper.

"It means," Gandalf started, "That I must be going." He turned and called out to Nori, "Stop! Keep my horse! I need it!"

"Gandalf!" Zephira called after him.

"You can't leave us!"

"Where are you going?"

"There are things I must see to." Is all he told the dwarves. "Meet me on the overlook of Erebor midday on Durins Day." He looked at Thorin pointedly. "Do not enter that mountain without me."

Thorin suppressed an eye roll. "Fine," he turned to the other dwarves. "Lets go."

Zephira stood as the dwarves walked by. Not one of them looked at her.

She saw Bilbo talking to Gandalf and frowned.

Bilbo was touching his pocket again.

Then he too turned to follow Thorin.

He gave Zephira a small smile, which she did not return.

Zephira was at Gandalf's side in an instant. "You can't go alone." She said, already knowing his plan. "I'll go with you."

"No, if only one goes, it will seem less suspicious."

"But what if you're attacked?" She asked.

"Oh, I can handle myself just fine. Besides, they need someone to tell them when they're doing something wrong." Gandalf said with a small chuckle.

"They don't listen to me! I'll go then, you stay here with the idiots."

"Zephira. She won't follow you in there. You know of whom I speak." He added when he saw her lips part.

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