Chapter 7

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"Ah, um. So." Thorin stuttered.


"Your, uh, visions. How... Do they work?"


"I'm curious!"

"Well... I'm not sure, they're hard to explain. I... Well, as you've probably noticed, I get a horrible headache. It feels like someone's splitting my skull open with a hammer. That's why I scream. And I hear a sort of ringing sound, like there's all sorts of bells in my head, clanging around."

Thorin was silent, intent on listening.

"Then, all I hear is a white noise. It's everywhere, I can't block it out. Then, I see things. Sometimes whole scenes, sometimes flashes, sometimes I can only hear what's going on, other times I can only see, there is no sound. It's rather frustrating, honestly."

"Sounds like it."

"Then, all at once, I'm back in the present. And it's all gone. The pain, the noise. And I have to remember all I can of what just happened."

"Do all your visions happen in the future? Or can you see people pasts?"

"I can do both."

"That's amazing."

Zephira seemed to blush slightly. "Not really. Not in my clan. I'm barely considered an amateur."

Thorin thought for a moment. "Your clan... They are not like you? I mean, they have different powers?"

"Yes. We all have different ones. Mixtures, most of us."

"What are all of yours?"

"I am a Prophetess, obviously, and an Enchantress, a Speaker, and I'm a bit of a Reader and Syren."

"And what do all of those mean?"

"You already know what a Prophetess is, and Enchantress is simply a witch who casts spells. Yes, that means that some can't, but nearly every witch is one. A Speaker is someone who speaks to others in their minds."

"You can do that?!"

/Yes/. Came a voice in his head.

"Does that mean you can read my thoughts as well?"

/No/. "But," Zephira said out loud, "I am a bit of a Reader, so sometimes I can get a general feel of what people are feeling or thinking."

Thorin swallowed, thinking of his earlier thoughts of her. "Not always, though?"

"No. Only occasionally. Less since I..." She let her voice trail off.

"I see,"


"And a Syren? What is that?"

Zephira raised an eyebrow. "You don't know? Surely you've heard of Syrens before!"

"Well, only in stories I was told as a child."

"Tell me what you know about them."

"They enchant men with their voices. Control them. That's... All of what I know."

"Interesting. But, you are wrong. Partially. Syrens /do/ use their voices, but not to control people, and they work on both men and women. They can do almost anything with their voices, from causing pain, to healing wounds, to simply calming someone."

"And you can do all that?"

"Me? Oh, Mäläi no! I'm not nearly advanced enough for that! My voice just seems to affect people more then a regular voice does. For example, I can sing people to sleep sometimes, or excite them, or calm them."

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