Chapter 10

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The goblins paid no attention to her threats, only dragged her along. She screamed bloody murder and kicked and bit and scratched at the goblins, until finally one backhanded her across her cheek.

Her head snapped around, and she cried out. Her eyes locked with Thorin's for a split second, and he saw terror, /true/ terror, in her eyes. Then she was pulled ahead again.

Zephira kept screaming, tears streaking down her face. Thorin wasn't sure why at first, then he remembered her past encounter with goblins. These might even be the same ones...

He made a silent promise that he would not them them hurt her again, no matter what.

Zephira had screamed herself hoarse by the time the goblins brought them to a halt on a larger landing, in front of a massive throne. Seated on the throne was the biggest, ugliest, most vile goblin anyone had ever seen.

"Who dares come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves?! Assassins!" He boomed.

"Dwarves, your malevolence."

"Dwarves? That one-" he pointed to Zephira, "She is no dwarf. Bring her foreword."

She was thrown down at his feet and he looked down at her. "Ah, I remember you. The witch we Broke." He prodded her back with his staff. "Missing something, deary?"

She looked up at him.

"Killed your brother, too, didn't we? Now /that/ was great fun."

Zephira gave him a look of pure hatred.

The Goblin King picked her up in one hand. "Lets have more fun, hmm?" He turned back to the others. "Search them! Every crack, every crevice!" They searched the Company for weapons, and threw the ones they found on the ground.

One took Oin's hearing horn and stomped on it, breaking it.

Zephira saw that and snarled at the King. She lashed out and kicked him, making him drop her. "Gahh!" He cried. He glared at the witch. "What brought you to these parts?" His question was directed to the company.

No one said anything.

"Very well, if we can't make them talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone-Breaker!"

Zephira began crying again.

"Start with her!" He said, throwing her down. She screamed silently, no sound coming out of her mouth.

"Wait!" Thorin yelled. He stepped foreword.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. King Under the Mountain." He mock bowed. "But wait, I'm forgetting; you don't have a mountain! You're no King. Which makes you nobody, really."

Thorin scowled.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. /Just/ a head, nothing attached. An old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc, astride a White Warg."

Thorin looked up at him. "Azog the Defiler was destroyed, he was slain in battle long ago!"

"So you think his defiling days are over, do you?" He turned to a goblin. "Send word to the Pale Orc. Tell him I have found his prize."

The other goblins started searching the weapons again.

He pulled Zephira up again. "I think we'll try a /different/ kind of torture this time. I'll have my way with you, yes. You are never getting out of here again! I will Break you again!"

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