Chapter 6

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"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" Thorin said to Gandalf.

"To look ahead."

"What brought you back?"

"Looking behind."

Thorin gave him a small smile and nodded his head.

"Nasty business," Gandalf continued. "But your still all in one piece."

"No thanks to your burglar." Thorn said rudely.

"He had the nerves to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that."

Thorin bowed his head.

Zephira walked over then, staring at the trolls. "They must have come down from the Ettenmoors."

Thorin frowned. "Since when do mountain trolls venture this far south?"

"Not for an age." She said.

"Not since a darker power ruled these lands." Gandalf said softly.

The three exchanged glances before Zephira cleared her throat. "They could not have moved in daylight."

"There must be a cave nearby." The dwarf said excitedly. He moved off, and soon they found the Troll-hoard.

Gandalf, Thorin, Bilbo, Nori, Gloin and Bofur went in, the rest staying outside.

They soon came out, Thorin and Gandalf carrying new elf-made swords. Bilbo, too, was carrying a hobbit-sized sword.

"What's that?" Zephira asked him.

Bilbo shrugged. "Sword,"

"Well yes, I can see that. But where'd you find it?"

"The ground."

"/Hell/!" She exclaimed. "I refuse to go in a place that smells like it's been used as a toilet for a decade, and you find bloody swords lying on the /ground/?! That's it, next time, I come in too."

Bilbo grinned and chuckled. Then his smile fell. "I've never used a sword before."

The witches face softened. "Gandalf told you about 'true courage', yes? Good. It's true, every word of it. But I will not lie to you, it is extremely difficult to take a life." She tilted her head to the side again. "Gandalf!" She cried suddenly. "Something's coming!"

A few moments later, something came flying out of the bushes... A sled pulled by rabbits?

"Radagast!" Zephira and Gandalf said at the same time. Zephira smiled at the sight of the slightly crazed old man.

"Oh!" The Brown Wizard cried. "Gandalf! I was looking for you!"

Zephira's smile faltered when he payed no attention to her.

The two wizards continued to have a fast-paced conversation which Zephira and the others only caught parts of.

Then, a howl came from not too far off.

"Wolves?!" Bilbo squeaked.

"No, that is no wolf." Bofur said, standing up, eyes wide. "That's a-"

"Warg!" Thorin yelled, and the giant dog leapt from the underbrush.

It jumped over the Company's heads, and by the time it's feet touched the ground, it had an arrow sticking out of it's head. It fell, dead.

Kili looked confused, his own arrow was still notched in his bow. He turned to see Zephira standing behind him, arms still extended with her bow out in front of her.

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