I sighed loudly and closed the folder I was currently working on. The door to my office opened and in came the woman that was occupying my thoughts.

"Surprise!" She beamed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Lunch!" She smiled proudly.

"And how did you know what is my lunch hour and where I worked?" I frowned.

"I asked Jinx!" She beamed.

"Okay! So any who, are you paying?" I asked.

"Of course!" She shrugged.

"Okay let's go!"

We both walked out of my office and into the lobby.

"Miss Pearson your mother called." My assistant informed.

"Tell her leave a message." I dismissed.

"Why won't you take you mother calls?" Scar asked.

"Because, she wants me to visit her, which I am not doing." I confessed.

"I'll give anything to visit my mother." She smiled sadly.

"Yeah well not my mother. She might confuse you with her pet parrot." I laughed lightly.

She chuckled and held my hand while crossing the street.

"I am capable of walking for myself." I scowled.

"Let me protect you Sydney." She smirked.

I frowned but allowed her to tug me along. We went to a Mexican restaurant, a couple of blocks away from the firm. It was a cozy place.

We both slid into a secluded booth to the back. Scar sat next to me while I sat to the corner.

"Hi good day, I'm Wendy and I'll be your waitress for the day." I looked up and saw a busty, blonde waitress eye raping Scar. I growled and fold my arms across my chest.

"I'll take a spicy, chicken enchilada and a water please." I answered with a permanent scowl.

"What about you darling?" She asked.

Scar smiled sweetly and ordered two tacos and a coke. The busty waitress left and o turned to Scar and slapped her arm.

"If that fucking woman comes back here and you fucking watch her, I'll fucking kill you." I hissed.

She smirked and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Jealousy on you is so cute!" She beamed.

I hit her with my elbow and leaned into her embrace. She kissed my hair, then my neck. I chuckled at the ticklish feeling I got. "Scar we are in public!"

"Let them see that you're mine." She said.

"I'm not yours Scar. I'm nobody's property." I frowned.

"You are my property Sydney!" She turned my face so that I was watching her. She smirked and took my lips with hers.

"I'll make you mine!" She smirked.

"Here is your food!" I looked up and scowled. She shot me a nasty glare and winked at Scar.

"That's it!" I jumped up and slammed my fist on the table.

"Listen here busty. Do not fucking watch my woman. Do not smile at her, do not wink. Next time I will pull your eyes out of their sockets." I warned.

She sucked her teeth and stormed off. 'Fucking whore!'

I sat back down and bit into my enchilada. Wow! This is good. I moaned at the taste and turned to watch Scar. Nevertheless she was already watching me.

"You are something else!" She smirked.

"I don't like people trying to steal my property."

She watched me intently with a smug smirk plastered on her face.

"You have a little something here." She moved forward and licked to the corner of my mouth.

"Better!" She whispered.

'Sexy fucking Scar!'

I grabbed her tie and pulled her back to my lips. She gripped my waist and pulled me onto her lap. Her hands immediately went to my butt and she gave me a tight squeeze. I moaned and wrapped my fingers in her hair. Her tongue swiped across my lips and I easily granted her access. The velvety organ wrapped around my own and sucked vigorously.

Her hands creased up into my skirt and I pulled away. "Don't start something you can't finish." I warned and jumped off of her lap.

Scar and I spoke about anything that came to our minds. We spoke about her non existent childhood. I spoke nothing about mines. Considering my childhood was filled with turmoil and pain.

Somehow we managed to talk about penguins and had an entire argument about it.

"Penguins are mammals!" I scolded.

"They are fucking birds." She yelled.

"They are flightless birds but they are mammals!" I scolded.

"You know what! Siri, is a penguin a mammal."

"A penguin is a flightless bird!" Siri said monotonous.

"Ha!" She beamed.

"Fuck you siri!"

She laughed and told me its time to go. We both held hands and walked back to the firm. We stood in front of my office door. "I'll see you tonight!"

"Sure! I'll see you tonight!" I smiled. She gave me a quick peck and left.

I walked into my office and Luther was sitting at my desk.
"What the fuck Luther!?"

"No Sydney, I should ask you what the fuck!?" He shouted.

"What are you on about?"

"Scar! That's what I'm on about. You were having a full blown make out session with that Scar in a fucking Mexican restaurant." He shouted.

"You saw that!" I averted my eyes to the ground.

"Yes! The whole restaurant saw that." He glared.

I sunk into the chair at my table with my head in my hands.

"You are falling for the enemy!" He shouted.

"What? No I am not Luther. I am telling you this is all strictly for the job." It sounded more ad if I was trying to convince myself rather than him.

"I am taking you off the case!"

"Why!?" I shouted. "You know I am the best there is."

"The best, yes! But I can't risk an employee. You're falling for her Sydney and if you can't see it. I can!" With that he left my office.

I sighed loudly and threw my pan of pens at the wall.

'Stupid fucking Scar and her beauty.'

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