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When Saul woke his arms were empty. He reached out, his fingers searching the bed for her warm body. She wasn't there. Her spot in the bed was no longer warm and the sheets had been pulled back on her side.

Saul sat up in a wave of panic. Had Axl taken her? Had she left on her own, to go back to him? But no. He shielded his eyes from the sun that streamed through the open window. She had pulled the curtains. Marcy wouldn't have done that if she had been in a rush to get away.

Once his eyes had adjusted and his usual early morning headache had set in, Saul spotted the piece of paper on his bedside table. He picked it up and unfolded it.

Marcy's handwriting. His head only hurt more when he read the note. It didn't say much, but those three words were enough for Saul to know what had happened. She was gone. Not back to Axl. Marcy was gone. Out of his life. Out of their lives.

He could somehow understand why she had left. Saul knew it was the safest thing for her. He could only wonder where she had gone. They were on the other side of the country. She had no car. No money. Nothing.

But if had been the only real option for Marcy. The only thing that could possibly have a good outcome. Anything else would have ended horribly. Had she gone back to Axl, she'd have been awfully unhappy. Had she decided to be with Saul, she would never have been able to escape Axl. Had she chosen neither, there wouldn't have been a reason for her to stay with them on tour anyway. Sticking around could only have caused trouble.

Saul held the note in his hand as if it was the most precious thing in the world. To him, it was. Because nothing had ever been more important to him than those three words scrawled down so messily and underlined two times.

I love you.


So... That's the end of that.

Hope you guys liked it!! Sorry I didn't update for ages, I lost track of time with exams and stuff at school.

I'm going to publish the first chapter to the next story in the next few days. I'll tell you guys when I've done it!

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