Chapter Seventeen - Panic

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"Izzy asked me to be his girlfriend." Aubrey said all of a sudden.

They were on the way back to Marcy's place. Izzy and Axl were coming too. They trailed not far behind, deep in conversation.

"Did you say yes?" Marcy asked with a grin. She was glad Izzy and Aubrey got along so well.

"Duh," Aubrey giggled. "Of course I did."

"You guys will make such a cute couple." Marcy turned around and walked backwards for a bit, so she could see Izzy. She thought his smile was even more genuine than usual.

Axl noticed her staring and smirked. Marcy smiled and waved before spinning back around.

"I hope we last." Aubrey frowned. She could never seem to stay in a relationship long.

"What are you gonna do about the whole Warren thing? Izzy's really gonna complicate shit." Marcy asked.

Aubrey pressed her lips together and furrowed her eyebrows. "About that...," She said sheepily. "I haven't been completely honest with you."

"What do you mean?" Marcy cocked her head to the side and frowned. Aubrey never lied.

"I wasn't telling the truth the other day. When I went to see Warren I slept with him. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd think it was the wrong thing to do."

Marcy felt a weight lift from her shoulders. She knew she shouldn't have been relieved, but she was. Aubrey had done what Marcy had been too afraid to do herself.

"Was it... bad?" Marcy questioned. She felt slightly guilty that she'd had the opportunity to help Aubrey but never took it.

"It was horrific. Didn't last long though." Aubrey confessed.

"Does Izzy know?" Marcy asked.

"He doesn't need to." Aubrey said.

"Are you sure?" She fretted.

"I don't drag him into this. It isn't his problem. Plus, I'm off the hook now, so Warren shouldn't bother me anymore."


Axl took a puff of his cigarette. He exhaled slowly, letting the smoke escape between his lips. Marcy watched him with an intrigued expression.

They were lying on her bed. Her chin was resting on his chest, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt.

Axl's breathing was steady and calming. The warm afternoon sun streamed through her window and warmed her back. The strong smell of Axl's cigarette filled the room.

Aubrey and Izzy had gone home about an hour ago. Since then, Marcy and Axl had been chilling in her room, talking and making out in intervals.

Axl put out his smoke and started toying with Marcy's copper hair. A smile tugged at Marcy's lips. Axl's touch had become soothing and comforting.

She liked the way he looked at her. It was different from any other man. There was something else in his eyes. Something she couldn't describe. It made her skin prickle and her insides stir.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." Axl murmured in that raspy voice of his.

Marcy's heart did a funny little jump. "That's a big accusation to make." She countered.

"But I mean every word of it." Axl smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You've met a lot of beautiful women." Marcy doubted she was anything better than average, especially in his eyes.

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