Chapter Three - Déjà Vu

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Marcelline woke up and was instantly hit by a pang of déjà vu. She wasn't in her own bed, nor did she have any recollection of the night before. The room was familiar. So was the man beside her. In fact, the whole situation was familiar.

Marcy groaned and rolled over. Not again.

She sat up and looked around the room. Her clothes were in a pile on the floor. At least she could find them this time. Marcy struggled to dress herself - her feet got stuck in the holes in her jeans five times.

Axl sighed and stretched his arms. He didn't open his eyes or say anything, he must have still been sleeping.

Marcy stood near the side of the bed and watched him for a while. His chest rose and fell with his breathing and his lips were parted slightly. He looked so peaceful.

"Mornin' sweetheart." Axl muttered. His voice was deep and raspy.

Marcy jumped in fright and squeaked quietly. How had he known she was there? Axl's eyes fluttered open and the corners of his lips tugged up.

Something told Marcy he could remember exactly what had happened last night.

"Good morning." Marcelline whispered and quickly exited the room. Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears. She slid down the wall and sat on the floor. The hallway had been cleaned since she had last been there. There wasn't quite as much trash littered everywhere as before.
Marcy barely got a moments peace before she heard music, ringing down the hall. It was guitar. Whoever was playing it was certainly skilled. The melodic tune was soothing, yet invigorating.
Marcy looked in the direction of the sound to see Slash. He was walking towards her, strumming a guitar absentmindedly. He made it look so easy.

Unlike the last time they had met, he was sober. His hair was tied back. Marcy could see his face better that way. She liked it. He wore very short shorts (and somehow managed look good in them) and a clever shirt that read 'If You Don't Like Oral Sex, Keep Your Mouth Shut'. Marcy giggled quietly to herself.

"Back again for more, huh, Frenchy?" Slash asked. His voice was a lot clearer now he was sober.
Marcy shrugged and blushed. She found it hard to speak around him. It was like her voice was caught in her throat. Her heart beat even louder than before when sat next to her. He leaned back against the wall and looked over at her with the same sleepy smirk as last time.
Marcy couldn't help but notice how full his lips were.

"Didn't think you'd see me again so soon, did you?" Slash said.

Marcy drew her knees up to her chin and hugged her legs protectively. "No, I didn't," She mumbled. "I can't even remember how I got here." Marcelline muttered under her breath.
Slash chuckled. His laugh was velvety smooth and made goosebumps rise on Marcelline's skin. "I remember."

Heat rose to Marcy's cheeks and she tried to hide behind her hair. "Oh god, I hope I didn't do anything stupid."

"You'll never know." Slash smiled slyly. She had a feeling he knew something she didn't.
"Can't you just tell me what happened?" Marcy asked skeptically.

"Nope," He was much easier to be around when he was sober. "But it wasn't anything too bad." Slash added when he saw the horrified look on her face.

"I better not have been dancing on tables naked." Marcy mumbled.

"Nothing that bad, don't worry." Slash smirked.

Neither of them said anything. Marcy studied the wall, trying not to feel too self conscious. She could feel him watching her, his clever eyes taking her in.

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