Chapter Twelve - Vodka Prince

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Izzy was an absolute sweetheart, which shocked Aubrey. She didn't know what she had expected but that certainly hadn't been it. Maybe it was the band's tough image that had made her imagine him differently.

It was undeniable, Izzy was a romantic. He would have never admitted it himself. Izzy took Aubrey on the most cliche date in the history of dates. They had dinner at a fancy restaurant and watched a soppy romantic film in the theater before going for a walk down Santa Monica beach.

Izzy had never worked so hard to impress a girl before. He supposed it was because Aubrey showed such little interest in him. She was good at hiding her true feelings and playing hard to get. Izzy liked that, he was so used to girls flinging themselves at him. Aubrey was refreshing in comparison.

Although it was dark and the stars were shining bright in the sky above, the air was warm and pleasant. Aubrey kicked her heels of the moment her feet hit the sand and ran to the water. The ocean was cold but she couldn't have cared less. Aubrey grabbed Izzy's arm and pulled him in after her when she noticed he was eying the water apprehensively.

They waded into waist deep water and mucked around for a while. Aubrey found a piece of seaweed and threw it in Izzy's direction. He yelped and made a disgusted face. She stuck her tongue out at him playfully and before they knew it, they were having a full out seaweed war.
Aubrey was beyond glad Izzy could put up with (and even join in with) her silly antics. Most men would have been completely weirded out by her. She normally wouldn't have acted that way around a guy, especially one she had just met, but something told her Izzy was just as strange as she was.

"Seaweed is so gross." Aubrey giggled, peeling a piece from her hair. Izzy just laughed. Neither of them cared that the water was freezing and their clothes were absolutely soaked. Aubrey was pretty sure sea water was bad for leather, but she didn't mind much. Her skirt had been nearing the end of its life anyway.

Izzy was standing very close to her. He thought she looked good in the moonlight. Aubrey's makeup was smeared and her hair had turned frizzy from the water but she was still more beautiful than any other girl he had seen before. He looked down at her lips, they were plump and red. Very kissable.

Aubrey's eyes were trained on him, filled with wonder and something else Izzy couldn't name. Her lips were parted and she was leaning closer, too slowly for his liking.

He didn't get a chance to finish that thought. A particularly strong wave came a long and swept them both off their feet - literally. They landed on their butts a few meters closer to shore.
Aubrey burst out in melodic laughter. Izzy frowned in frustration. Dammit, nature was a terrible wingman.

"Don't laugh, it's not funny." Izzy said, only to find Aubrey's happiness was infectious and he began laughing too.

"It's hilarious." Aubrey giggled. She looked like a supermodel, in one of those fancy beach photo shoots. Izzy wondered why she ever agreed to go on a date with a guy like him. Aubrey was much more suited to a Axl or something. Izzy realized he felt somewhat starstruck around her.
Aubrey crawled through the shallow water towards him and Izzy felt sure his heart would stop beating. She moved very slowly and Izzy tried very hard (he really did) not to look down her top. Lucky for him, her eyes were captivating.

She rested her hands on his shoulders and straddled him. Izzy had a feeling she did that kind of thing often. But then again, so did he. Aubrey pressed her soft lips against his, only for a second before she pulled away. Izzy smiled to himself. He paused for less than a heartbeat before he kissed her again.

She tasted like the sea, there was also a faint hint of strawberry. Aubrey sunk into the kiss with a relaxed sigh. Her tongue darted across his bottom lip and Izzy happily complied.

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