Chapter Seven - Spontaneity

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"What was he saying to you?" Duff asked. He was more conscious than before, but still had trouble speaking.

They had been driving for ten minutes. Marcelline didn't know where they were going. She just wanted to get as far away from Warren as possible.

"Aubrey is in some deep shit with him. He was trying to make a deal with me." Marcy said. Her pulse was just starting to return to normal.

"What did he want from you?" Duff murmured. He had wound his window back up again and was trying not to pass out for Marcy's sake. His eyes felt droopy and he had to force himself to keep them open. Even if he couldn't quite comprehend what was going on because of his wired state, he would still make an effort to understand.

"It's nothing...," Marcy sighed. Her skin felt dirty where Warren had touched it. "Not important."

Duff leaned forward and shook his head. He hoped it might wake him up a little. "What ever it was, the way he looked at you was fucking disgusting. Axl would've ass if he was here."

"I'm not dating Axl." Marcy tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

"I know." Duff muttered and ran his fingers through his hair.

Oblivious to Marcy and Duff's conversation, Steven interrupted them.

"Where are we going?" He asked in his usual hyper tone. Steven was no doubt wondering how soon he could get his next hit.

"I don't know." Marcy admitted.

The car fell quiet for a while as they all thought. None of them knew where they could go. It had to be somewhere private, because Steven would be wanting to snort the coke. Duff probably would too.

"How about we just drive and see where we end up." Duff suggested.

"When will I know to stop driving?" Marcy asked.

"We won't." Duff said.

Marcelline looked over at him with a grin. "I like the way you think, Mckagan."

"Fuck yeah, road trip!" Steven whooped from the backseat.


They were on the road for hours.

Steven and Duff sung the whole 99 Bottles Of Beer song three times. Marcy was quiet the whole time.

She couldn't stop thinking about Warren and what he had said. The more she picked apart his offer, the better it seemed. It really would save Aubrey's ass if Marcy fucked him instead. Even if it would be unpleasant.

She wished she could talk to somebody about it. Aubrey wouldn't be helpful though. She would never let Marcy do that and nobody else would understand.

Warren may have been disgusting, but Marcy found she was surprisingly willing to help Aubrey out.

Maybe Warren wouldn't keep his word though. He could send people after Aubrey anyway. He could just be fucking with them. Warren might never do anything. For all they knew, he was harmless.


Marcy switched the radio on. She was driving herself crazy. Marcelline decided if she hadn't made up her mind by the next day, she would just fuck him. It shouldn't be a big deal, she told herself.

"Can we pull over soon?" Steven asked. The sun was setting and it was getting dark.

"Yeah." Marcy nodded.


They stopped at a campsite. It was in the clearing of a small forest, well out of town. Marcy had no idea where they were. Something about that made her feel liberated. Free.

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