Chapter Thirty Three - All I Have To Do Is Dream

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Saul was sprawled out across Marcy's couch, snoring lightly. The sound filled her apartment when she woke up that morning. It was nice, compared to the usual silence that seemed to surround her while she was home.

Marcy didn't have the heart to wake him. She probably wouldn't have been able to if she'd tried, he was fast asleep. Saul must have been really tired the night before. Any noises she made while in the kitchen didn't seem to stir him. Even when she accidentally banged a couple of pots together, Saul just kept snoring away.

Marcy watched him over the counter while she made breakfast. Only because she had nothing else to look at and it wasn't often she had a guy sleeping on her couch. She had to admit, he was kinda cute like that. One of Saul's legs were draped off the side and he had drooled a little during the night. He looked so young and sweet. His hat had been rested carefully on the coffee table beside him and his shirt had come up, exposing the tiniest glimpse of his pretty skin. Saul's mouth was open, and he had a strange resemblance to a younger version of himself. He actually looked his age for once, rather than someone who was trying so hard to act older.

Marcy wondered if she'd have to wake him. If he didn't get up soon, she might. Tour started that day and she had no idea what time they were supposed to be at the airport. Marcy hoped it wasn't already too late. The others wouldn't leave without them, would they?

She couldn't quite believe she was going on tour. Marcy felt a bit like she might have been dreaming. It seemed surreal. The whole thing. Her whole life. How could it possibly be hers? A year ago, Marcy never would have thought she'd be where she was. She had a boyfriend, one who loved her. She had the most amazing friends in the whole entire world and she'd left her dream job to be with them.

It was strange to think this had all started with a night she couldn't even remember. Waking up next to a guy she didn't know, despite his fame. Marcy felt that if it hadn't been for Duff's kindness that morning, she might not have cared enough to mention anything to Aubrey. And if she hadn't said anything to Aubrey they wouldn't have gone out again that night and Axl wouldn't have recognized her at work and she wouldn't have gone to his place and met everyone properly. It was all just a crazy chain of events that lead up to where she was today.

Marcy did realize what type of person she had been. Almost like a groupie. Almost, but not quite. It had changed after she may or may not have slept with Duff. She'd stuck to Axl since then. Marcy was a little disgusted at her old self for being like that. She could quite clearly remember letting Duff kiss her neck in the living room all that time ago, when she'd already been fooling around with Axl at the time. She remembered being incredibly turned on when Axl had been upset by it. She remembered being up for absolutely anything, even a manage à trois. There was a time she had wanted to fuck all of the guys she now called her friends. Even Izzy and Steven. The idea both puzzled and repulsed her now. Why would she ever need anyone but Axl?

There was a loud thump, followed by a muffled groan. Marcy was snapped out of her daze to see Saul on the floor. He grimaced and rubbed his eyes. His shock of hair covered his whole face and hid his features from Marcy's sight. His clothes were all crumpled and he looked like a bit of a mess.

"Good morning." Marcy said warmly. She tore her eyes from him to flip one of the sizzling eggs.

"Morning." Saul mumbled, pushing himself to his feet. He staggered a little before shaking head head, like he was clearing it of tiredness, and making his way over to Marcy.

"Sleep well?" Marcy smiled but didn't take her eyes from the pan.
Saul came to stand beside her and leaned against the counter.

"Alright, I guess," He reached into his pocket and pulled out a carton of cigarettes. Saul nearly lit one before he seemed to think twice and looked over at Marcy for permission. "You mind if I...?" He asked.

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