Chapter Eight - Serious Douche

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Marcelline had stiff joints and a sore head. Duff's arms were still holding her and their legs were entwined. Marcy's head was resting on his chest and she could hear his quiet breathing. It was soothing.

There was a moment of panic when she first woke up. Marcy took some time to remember what had happened the night before. She hadn't slept with Duff. That was a relief.

She stayed in that position for a while. Duff was so peaceful when he was asleep, she didn't want to disturb that.

Marcy found it rather calming, lying there with him, even if they were on the cold hard ground. The sounds of the birds over head were quite nice too.

She didn't want to get up and leave the clearing. Marcy didn't want to go back to the city. Axl didn't seem so appealing anymore. She didn't want to make up her mind about the deal Warren had offered her. While her job was exactly what she had always wanted, Marcy dreaded going back. The work was demanding and tiring. And the others would no doubt want to know where Marcy, Steven, and Duff had disappeared to for the night.

The idea of running away with them crossed her mind. But it would never work out. She needed to go to work and Aubrey would freak out if she went missing. Duff and Steven would have gone with her in a heartbeat. They lived in the moment, didn't need a reason to do something crazy and weren't bothered by consequences. Marcy wished she was more like them. Last night she had really let go. She had forgotten about all her responsibilities. It had been nice not to worry, even if it had been just for one night.

Marcy pushed herself to her feet and wandered over to the car. The radio had been switched off sometime during the night. Steven was sleeping in the backseat. He looked cute. He still had a smile on his face while he slept and his hair was even more poofy than usual.

It was a cold morning and Marcy was feeling the effects. She opened the car door and switched on the heater, to warm it up before the drive home.

"Mornin'" Duff said in a cheery voice. Marcy jumped in fright, she had thought he was still asleep.

"That was both the best and worst sleep I've had in a long time." Marcy said once she'd taken a moment to recover.

"How can it be both?" Duff asked with a chuckle. He was stretching his long arms above his head.

"It was the worst because we were on the ground," Marcy hesitated before continuing. "The best because I was with you."

"Oh really?" Duff grinned.

Marcy couldn't stop a blush from creeping onto her face. She bit her lip and looked at the ground. "I don't want to go back."

"Neither do I," Duff agreed. "We could stay forever."

Marcy had known that was what he'd say. Duff was impulsive. "We have to go back." She took the keys from her pocket and turned back to the car.

"I know," Duff snatched the keys from her. "I'm driving."


"Remember the route we take." Duff said once they'd started driving.

"Why?" Marcy asked. Steven was snoring loudly in the backseat.

"So we can come back." He said.

Marcy's heart skipped a beat. Duff couldn't have been any more perfect if he'd tried.

"Marcelline?" He asked after a moment of quiet.

She decided she liked the way he said her name. "Yeah?"

"Don't do it," Duff advised. "Don't fuck Steven's dealer."

"Why not?" Marcy watched his grip tighten on the steering wheel.

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