Chapter Five - Saul Hudson

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Marcelline trailed her fingers up and down Axl's chest. He wasn't asleep, he'd woken up not long after she had.

This time she could remember the night before. There hadn't been drinking involved. In fact there hadn't really been anything involved. They hadn't wasted any time after Marcy had arrived.

Axl's hand was on her inner thigh, slowly moving higher and higher. His touch made her heart race.

Marcy tried to act unaware of what he was doing but failed miserably. Axl's hand brushed the hem of her underwear and Marcelline let out a breathy moan.

He looked down at her with a smirk. Her breathing hitched as Axl let his fingers wander beneath the fabric.

Marcy straddled him and bent down. She paused a moment away from his lips. Axl smirked and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her closer and began kissing her.

Marcy buried her head in his shoulder and involuntarily tensed her muscles as he trailed his lips away from her mouth and onto the soft skin of her neck. He sucked and nibbled, sure to leave a mark.


Marcy got out of bed an hour later. Axl had shut his eyes and told her he was going to try and get some more sleep.

Not long after Marcy left the room did she bump into a eccentric looking blonde man. His eyes were bloodshot and he was clearly wired.

"Hi." He bounced on the balls of his feet as he spoke. A manic grin was spread across his face.
"Hello." Marcy replied. She took a step away from him.

"Are ya lookin' for something? Someone? Who? I can help you find them. Slash? Duff? Izzy? Axl?" He tangled all his words together and spat out each question in quick succession. His hair was wild and flew all over the place with each time he bobbed up and down.

"Do you know where Duff is?" Marcelline asked, unsure whether he was in a fit state to help her. She doubted his head was functioning normally.

"He's not available at the moment, anyone else?" The man asked.

Marcy thought for a moment. She wondered what Duff was up to. "What about Slash?"
He didn't reply. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her down he hallway. They came to a stop at another door. The man began pounding his fists on it.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up! There's a girl here, there's a girl here, there's a girl here!" He shouted in a singsong voice.

"Fuck off Steven." Slash replied from the other side.

"No, no, no! Come on, she wants to see you!"

"Who is it?" Slash called.

Steven turned to Marcy. "What's your name?" He forgot to lower his voice. She winced away.

"Marcelline," She said, before realizing Slash probably wouldn't remember her by that name. "Um, I'm Frenchy." He was bound to recognize that.

"She said she's Frenchy." Steven relayed to Slash.

The door swung open to reveal a smirking Slash. Steven disappeared back down the hallway.
"Frenchy, huh? You like that name?" He was leaning against the doorframe and sounded smug.
"It's alright." Marcy shrugged. She actually only liked it when he said it.

"I see you met Steven. And he's high as fuck. The usual." Slash said.

"It's normal for him to be like that?" Marcy cringed. That couldn't be good for him.

"Normal for me too. For all of us." Slash chuckled.

"Really?" Marcy raised her eyebrows. She felt a pang of upset. Duff, Axl, and Slash all seemed so smart. The others probably were too. And they just wasted it. Aubrey did it too. Like everybody in that godforsaken city.

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