Chapter Fifteen - Pet Snail

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"They sound fucking amazing." Aubrey shouted over the music.

"Better than amazing." Marcelline grinned in return. Guns N' Roses was the best live band she had ever seen. They had such energy. They were connected and always seemed to know what each other was thinking when they were on stage. Marcy had no doubt they were the perfect band, with the perfect line up. She felt kind of bad she hadn't realized sooner.

Axl's eyes found hers and he smirked. "We'd like to dedicate this last song to Marcelline, a good...," Axl paused to catch his breath. He was all sweaty from running around on stage.

"Friend of mine. We haven't played this one for a while," Axl chuckled and Marcy swore half the girls in the crowd swooned. "This is Mama Kin."

The song started playing and Aubrey turned to Marcy. "Oh. My. God." She squealed excitedly.
A murmur ran through the crowd and heads were turning. Marcy heard her name mentioned a couple of times. Everyone wanted to know who she was.

About halfway through the song, a familiar face emerged from the heart of the crowd and came waltzing towards Marcy and Aubrey. It was the girl from the diner, Selena.

"How long have you guys been here?" She asked once she was within hearing range.

"Since they started playing." Aubrey replied. Her eyes were glued to the stage. She couldn't stop watching Izzy.

Selena nodded and they all listened to the music for a while. Marcy took a sip of her drink, it was some alcoholic concoction she didn't know the name of. Aubrey had bought it for her.

Marcy felt a little tipsy. She was careful not to drink too much though, she didn't want a repeat of the other night.

"Was it you they dedicated the song to?" Selena asked Marcy as the show came to an end.

"Yeah." Marcelline shrugged apathetically, struggling to suppress a smug grin.

"So you must know them pretty well then, huh?" Selena said.

People were already starting to leave. The band had disappeared off stage and the bar was bustling with customers.

"We're friends, I guess."

"Friends." Aubrey echoed, making air quotes with her fingers.

"We are just friends." Marcy clarified. She realized it might have seemed like she was a groupie.

"Sure," Aubrey rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Anyway, how's work going?" She asked Selena.

"It's alright, the boss has a thing for me so I can pretty much do whatever." Selena giggled.

"Got a boyfriend yet?" Aubrey asked.

Selena shook her head. "I'm not ready to settle down. What about you? You got your eye on anyone?"

Aubrey giggled and sent a look to Marcy. "Maybe."

"Who?" Selena pushed for information.

"I'm not telling," Aubrey grinned. She turned to Marcy. "Can Selena come backstage with us?"

Marcy bit her lip and thought for a moment. What harm could it do? "I guess she can."

"Wait, really?" Selena exclaimed with wide eyes. "I can come backstage?"

"Duh." Aubrey grinned. She felt very important, knowing the band.

They all finished their drinks and found their way backstage. A guard asked to see Marcy's ID before they were allowed anywhere near the band. It took a moment of convincing to make sure the others were let in too.

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