Chapter Twenty - You Want Satisfaction

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Saul didn't know what to do. He couldn't tell Axl. That would only end in somebody getting hurt. Saul didn't know exactly what went on in Axl's mind but he was sure he wasn't completely sane. Axl hid it well. Nobody would catch a glimpse of his wild side for months and then it would all come out at once. His temper would become nonexistent and his hands would shake uncontrollably. Axl's eyes became wide and his whole body trembled. It was like the mere effort of existing drove him insane.

Saul had no idea what triggered Axl. He knew it could last for days. He knew Axl put everyone danger. He knew Axl didn't understand it either. He knew Axl couldn't stop himself from doing horrible things. He knew Axl thought what he did wasn't bad. Axl could justify anything. He could even make other people believe what he'd done was okay.

When they had first met and Saul had discovered all of this about Axl he had found all the psychology books he could and had read them over and over. If he could just find out what was wrong with Axl, maybe then he could understand him better. To Saul's disappointment, there had been nothing. Axl's symptoms didn't match up with any of the things he studied. No matter how hard he tried, Saul always seemed to draw a blank.

He had since come to terms with the fact Axl could not be put under a label. Axl was dangerous and unpredictable. That's just how he was. It was the reason he could act the way he did on stage. Saul had become used to hiding away in his room for a couple of days while he waited for Axl's mood to boil over. He was used to watching what he said and what tone of voice he used. He knew what he do to keep himself safe.

Marcy didn't know. That's what scared Saul. If she wasn't careful she could very easily be hurt by someone she thought she could trust. Of course, Saul had talked to her about it. Marcy thought she was going to be fine. She said she could take care of herself.

But she couldn't. Marcy was no longer pure. She had let Duff do something horrible to her and Saul knew things could only go down hill from there. Too many young girls had been in a similar position. Now where were they?

Dead. Or they were close, living off the streets and selling their bodies to fuel their addiction.
Marcy had already begun her descent down a slippery slope. She was alone in what would come next. Nobody could help her. Not Axl. Not Saul. Not Aubrey. This was something she'd have to face on her own.


Marcy's arms were covered in goosebumps, even though Axl's cheap fan heater was angled to blow warm air onto them. She often found herself wondering when the heater was going to cop it. Axl said he'd bought it when he had first moved to the city. That had been years ago and it was starting to emit a melted plastic smell whenever it was turned on. Marcy thought it was nice though. She found the low humming noise relaxing and she liked to fall asleep with the hot air on her back. Axl thought he should really chuck it out and get something fancy. Maybe a proper electric heater. He only kept it because he knew Marcy liked it.

Axl reached over the side of the bed and grabbed at the blanket on the floor. It had fallen off at some point. Probably when one of them had rolled over. Axl carefully pulled it over Marcy.

He let his fingers trail up her side. Her skin was so soft and so pale. It was scattered with cute little freckles. Five faint bruises in the shape of fingertips lined her arm. Axl must have put them there. He poked at them with a faint smile. The marks were still relatively fresh and a pretty red color. He'd dug his fingers in a little too deep last time they slept together.

Axl lifted his hand and tucked Marcy's coppery hair behind her ear. She tilted her chin up and their noses bumped together. Marcy searched his eyes, for a clue to what he was thinking about. She could never tell. Axl was unreadable. Unlike anybody else, there was never much emotion shown in Axl's face. There was nothing but emptiness behind his eyes. It was a strange thing to see. Marcy had no idea what could possibly happen to a person to make them like that. She could only imagine horrible things. The thought of anything awful happening to Axl made something tighten in her chest. He didn't deserve it. Nobody deserved to be hurt so bad they didn't feel anything anymore.

Saul couldn't have been more different from Axl. When Marcy was with him she could almost feel his emotion. There was something about the way his mind worked that just seemed to click with Marcy. It was nice to have that kind of synchronicity with someone.

Marcy's lips tingled and her face felt a little warm. She couldn't work out why. Axl was very close and the heater was finally starting to make a difference. Marcy guessed that might have been the reason for the warm feeling in her stomach.

She felt a tingling in her fingertips. An urge to touch him. Marcy moved her hand out from beneath the blanket. She let her fingers gently trail up his arm. Axl's body was so warm. Marcy traced all the way up his side and along his collarbones. He wasn't particularly skinny but they were rather prominent, jutting out further than they should have. Marcy was reminded of Duff, who was also unusually boney. She had thought it was because of all the drugs he took. Marcy realized she must have been wrong.

Axl's chest rose and fell in time with his calm breathing as he watched Marcy. She could feel his heartbeat faintly beneath her fingertips. Marcy laid her hand flat on his chest. She liked the way his pulse felt under her touch. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and glanced up at Axl through her thick lashes.

Axl's eyes took on a deviant glint. He touched his fingers to Marcy's chin, tilting it upwards. She let out a deep, relaxed sigh. Marcy didn't need another cue to know what to do next. Axl was so familiar to her, he barely had to ask before she knew what he wanted of her.

Their lips connected and Axl's warmth started to flood into Marcy's cold body. She felt all bubbly and tingly. None of the sick feeling remained from before. Axl's mouth was like home. So safe. So familiar. He tasted like the cigarette he'd been smoking not long ago. Marcy couldn't get enough of it.

She wrapped her arms around Axl's neck and rolled on top of him. His lips worked against hers and his tongue explored her mouth. Their bodies tangled together. Marcy's fingers pulled gently at his knotty hair.

Axl's kisses started to work away from her lips, down to her neck. His mouth left a trail of fire on her pale skin. With each passing moment Marcy's line of thought only unraveled more. There was nothing on her mind but Axl. She couldn't help it. He was everywhere.

Axl gently bit at her neck, causing Marcy to let out a breathy moan. She pulled his hair involuntarily, he was sending all sorts of strange sensations throughout her body. Axl was working back over the marks he'd given her when they had last slept together. He knew her skin would be especially tender there.

Marcy pulled away just long enough to hastily tug her shirt over her head and throw it to the floor. The blanket had fallen off again. Axl took a moment to admire her body. He ran his fingers up her sides, sending a shiver down Marcy's spine. She giggled quietly.

"I love you." Axl murmured.

Something stirred in Marcy's chest. She didn't know why, but she had a feeling he really meant it. "I love you too, Axl."


Sorry about the long wait. I just wanted to make sure this was the very best I could do (to be honest it still doesn't seem quite up to scratch).
The good news is, I should be able to update more regularly now, although it will be much more spaced out than it used to be because I have 10 chapters to rewrite. Normally I like to stay at least 2 chapters ahead of what has been publish but it looks like I can't do that this time.
I'm really annoyed at myself for letting this story get so bad. Even the plot (up until now) has been all over the place and even a bit ridiculous at times! I've got a better hold on things now though and I'm actually pretty excited for this story to get back on track. I'm really looking forward to writing the rest because I've sorted out an awesome storyline.
Sidenote - there's gonna be a sequel yay (or part two, whatever you wanna call it)
Sorry about the long a/n

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