Chapter Sixteen - Die Before Mom

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"I feel like hell." Duff groaned as he passed Marcelline in the hallway the nest morning.

"You look like hell." Marcy agreed. His hair was knotty and wild. He wore an old, tatty shirt and there was a little of Selena's lipstick smeared near the corner of his mouth.

"I know," Duff grumbled, massaging his temples wearily. "And I have a shitty fucking headache."

"You've got a bit of...," Marcy pointed to his lip.

Duff wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Is it gone?" He asked.

"No." Marcy tried showing him where it was on her own face.

"Now?" He tried again.

"Nope." Marcy giggled.

"What about now?" Duff tried licking it off.

"It's right here." Marcy tapped the side of her face, around about the place the lipstick.

"Here?" Duff tried.

"No, here." Marcy laughed.

"There?" He pointed at his bottom lip.

"There." Marcy reached up and touched the mark. She wiped it away with her thumb.

"Thanks," Duff chuckled quietly, as though any loud noises would only make his head hurt more. "Now I'm gonna go take a shit load of aspirin so I don't go on a killing spree before the day has even started."


Selena had left sometime during the night, and so had the chick Steven slept with. Aubrey hadn't seen Marcy since the night before but she didn't really mind. Izzy's company was more than enough.

They sat on the couch, fingers intertwined and sharing a cigarette. Aubrey had her head resting on his shoulder. She was tired.

"Izzy?" Aubrey asked. She sat up straight and looked him in the eye.

"Yeah?" Izzy panicked for a moment, Aubrey looked so serious. He tucked his hair behind his ears nervously.

"Do you like me?" Aubrey was holding his hand so tight that his fingertips were beginning to lose their feeling.

"I do." Izzy blushed. He didn't know why.

"How much do you like me?" Aubrey questioned.

"More than I'd like to admit." Izzy had a feeling he was in love. But he didn't want to tell her that. Aubrey would probably just be put off if he did.

"Well I really like you." Aubrey said quietly.

"How much?" He echoed.

"Too much." Aubrey giggled.

"And how much is too much?" Izzy laughed along with her.

"More than enough." Aubrey leaned forward and kissed him. Izzy's lips tingled and butterflies churned in his stomach. He pulled away before the kiss got too heated.
"Enough to be my girlfriend?"


"Hey Frenchy." Slash looked up at her standing in his doorway.

"Hey," Marcy smiled and walked into his room. "You mind if I hang out with you for a while?"

"No, of course not. You don't need to ask." He beckoned for her to come closer.

Marcy looked around his room for a bit. Slash had girls around last night and it still smelled faintly of sex. She wondered why he never opened the windows to air the place out.

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