I clapped slowly while watching my work. "Hello Ted!" I smiled.

I grabbed my little rat and played with his head. I grabbed a heating cover and smiled. I put ratty on top of Ted's head and placed the cover over him. The smell of burning flesh was prominent. I watched as ratty nibbled on the skin of Ted's head. He screeched but it was going to be slow painful death.

I walked back over Joe and saw that he was already dead. The next ten minuted I watched as ratty ate the remainders of Ted's head. It was gruesome. Best Friday ever!

I played with Angie's hair then picked her up bridal style and carried her home. I didn't bother to go back to the office. Instead I stayed and took care of Angie.

"I was so scared Scar. It hurt and they laughed at my pain." She cried.

"Its okay now! I took care of them!" I pulled her into me and she cried on my chest.


I watched myself in the mirror and grimaced. I hated jeans and somehow, Jinx managed to get me into a dark denim jeans and a black polo T-shirt and Nike's. I looked good overall but it wasn't my style. I also wasn't going this stupid party but Jinx had Malik take care of Angie for me.

I asked her multiple times if she was alright and she only nod. It wasn't a good enough answer for me to go so I told her I will call every hour.

I finally finished dressing and left. I drove to the other side of Manhattan. This was more so the ghetto side and also one of my main streets. I parked to the other side of the road and got out.

Music was blasting and a multitude of people were on the lawns of the house. I walked in and immediately was given a cup. I sniffed the substance then timidly took a sip from it.

The house was filled with hundreds of persons. The house was massive yet it hardly had any walking space. I walked to the kitchen and saw Jinx and Teo casually talking.

"Jinx!" I muttered irritated.

"Ah Scar, you came!" She beamed.

"I'm here aren't I." I spat.

"Hey, I thought you weren't coming!" She frowned.

"I'm a woman of my words." I glared.

"Right!" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to get drunk!" I warned.

"I knew you weren't." She scoffed.

"So don't even try!"

"Whatever! Let's go dance." She beamed.

"No!" I frowned.

"Come on Scar! Loosen up." She mused.


She tugged my arm towards the crowd of dancing people. The musky scent of sweat and sex filled my nostrils. Jinx immediately begun jumping and dancing like a wild hyena. I laughed at her dancing but joined her shortly after. Teo brought us more drinks, so I was slightly tipsy.

"Hey Jinx, I'm gonna get more beer." I called out to her. She was busy grinding on some man she now met. She nod and I walked - well staggered towards the kitchen.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with Heineken. "Fancy seeing you here!" She muttered sarcastically.

"The pleasure is mine." I spat.

"You're drunk!" She frowned.

"No! I'm happy, now leave me alone." I pouted.

"Oh my god! You really are drunk." She laughed.

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