The next morning

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The next morning when Medic woke up he had a horrible headache. "Ack vat happened last night?" Medic asked while taking aspirin for his headache. "You got drunk and we cuddled on the couch." You said "Is zat all? Be honest did I hurt you or someone?" Medic asked "No. You were a bit emotional. To be honest I never saw you as the emotional drunk type of drunk." Medic chuckled at your comment, relieved that he hadn't hurt you or anyone, "Vell I very rarely drink so I get drunk easily. Und no one has told me zat I vas an emotional drunk. Vat did I say?" Medic asked and you told him all that he had said and done the previous night after he got drunk. "I said zat?" Medic asked after you told him all that he had said. "Yeah. Were you telling me how you feel when I leave for work?" You asked "Vell." Medic began as he drank more water "I miss you vhen you leave, but I know zat you vill come back. I still miss you und sometimes I vish zat neither one of us has to verk so ve can spend more time together." You went over to Medic and hugged him "I would never willingly leave you. You know that right?" You said and Medic hugged you back and said "Ja, I know zat you vould not leave me villingly. Though I vorry about me being forced to go back to ze base und leave you here. I vould bring you vith me if I vas able." "I guess I was right, Medic isn't afraid of anything except losing me. And he wants me to come with him to his base if he has to go." You thought. You felt the same and you often thought of asking Medic if he would come and help you at (job) but since he can quickly develop a blood lust upon seeing the red liquid it may not be a good idea. (Only if your job is in the medical field or where there may be blood shed if not sorry) plus your boss may not hire him since he did lose his medical liscense for stealing a patient's skeleton and that was most likely on his resume. Unless he had no record of previous employment or birth certificate or anything since he was from a game, he probably wouldn't have a resume or birth certificate. And that poses a bit of a problem since for Medic to be employed he would need a birth certificate and proof that he was legally in the country though he could say that his records were at Mann Co. And explain that his records couldn't be retrieved, plus you had already told Medic your cover story for as to why he lost his medical liscense in the first place. "Very vell thought out liebeling." Medic complimented and you thanked him for his compliment.

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