The next morning

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You were watching TV around 10:30 when Medic finally woke up. "Morning sleepy head. How long were you up last night?" You asked "Midnight. Ze errand took a bit longer zan I thought." "So what did you go and do that took so long?" "I vent to get milk und other groceries." Medic said as he showed you the food he bought on his way back. Hiding his bloody saw, coat, gloves, and of course his bucket before entering the store. "Thanks Medic. Were the lines long?" He nodded "Ja, zere vere a lot more people zere zan I thought zere vould be at midnight." So you turned on the news for your state as Medic went to go get his breakfast and sat down. "After midnight last night a local resident of (town) was found dead. The victim was identified as (BF/N) it looked as though he was cut and stabbed by some type of saw. Neighbors reported hearing him scream and cry in pain and then silence. No one reported seeing anyone leave the scene. Authorities didn't find much blood at the scene but they did find a bloodied saw near the body so it's being ruled as a suicide. He is survived by his family and his girlfriend." "Wow." You said after a few moments of stunned silence when you noticed small specks of red on Medic's shirt. "Hey Medic, you got something here and here." As you pointed to the small specks of red on his shirt. "Hmm oh danke." He said as he went to go clean off his shirt. Meanwhile you were in thought "Those specks of red. That didn't look like paint or ketchup. That looked like... Blood. Did Medic kill (BF/N)? Why would he do that? He doesn't have a motive. Does he? I probably shouldn't ask him for my own safety but Medic wouldn't hurt me. Unless he knew that I know what he possibly did." "Earth to (Y/N). Are you zere?" Medic asked waving his hand in front of your face and you jumped "Sorry Medic, I was just lost in thought is all." He nodded and said he was going to go do laundry. And he washed his bloody clothes first and while he waited for his clothes he went to go and hang out with you. "It really is something. You know, Medic." You said and Medic looked at you confused and you explained about (BF/N). "Ja it is somezing." He said as he went to put his clothes in the dryer and start washing the other clothes. "I wonder if I should tell her. She seemed a little suspicious of me. I wonder if she thinks that she knows. I'll send her to the store then I'll show her once she comes back." He thought to himself as he used the last bit of deturgent. "(Y/N) vould you mind going to ze store. Zere isn't any more detergent und I didn't know zat ve needed deturgent." "Sure Medic. I'll be back soon." You said as you left. Then Medic went to his room and took out his bucket of blood and began painting a heart with a capitol M and (FL/N) and he got red roses and chocolates for you as he stood there waiting for you to come back. Once you were home you called him and he said "I'm in here." You walked into the living room and saw the heart and Medic standing there holding a bouquet of roses and holding a box of chocolate and his hands were bloody. "Medic... What? What is this?" And Medic explained everything and he handed you the roses and chocolates. "So you did this... For me?" You asked and Medic nodded and said "Ja. I did zis for you because Ich liebe dich." You sat down and Medic sat down next to you. "This is too much to take in." And Medic hugged you and said "You said vat vould happen if you broke up vith him und he vas too controlling over you." You looked at him and sighed as you turned away. "Medic..." You said "Ja?" He answered "Did you have a motive for what you did? I mean why? Why did you kill him?" Medic sat down next to you and said "Mein motive vas he vas too controlling over you. If ve vere together und he vas still alive he vould never leave you alone. Und as I said Ich liebe dich." He wrapped his arm around your shoulder "Are you mad at me or somezing? I understand if you are." "I'm not mad at you Medic. I can't stay mad at you. I'm just trying to process what's happened." Medic nodded and he carried you to your room "Medic what are you doing?" "I vas going to let you take a nap. I vill do ze houseverk. You just rest schatz." "What does that mean?" You asked. "It means darling." With that Medic left you to take a nap while he did laundry and other chores.

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