35: Death Of Me

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A shorter chapter, but I figured this extra chapter was something y'all deserved, for being patient with me during my absence. :) Enjoy!


The day has passed by in the blink of an eye, and as Axel and I trudge back into our room in the evening, I'm determined to make our last night one he won't forget.

"Hey, Axe?" I call softly.


"Can you go downstairs and get me some chocolate?"

"Sure, baby." He turns around and walks out of the room. As soon as he's out, I rush to the bag which contain's Alanis and Adaira's present- the lingerie.

I pull out the white lace bra and matching panties, and after stripping out of my clothes and tugging the lingerie on, I rush to the bathroom. Taking my hair out of its ponytail, I let it drop around my shoulders in soft waves. I wash my face rapidly with my rose creme facial, giving it a radiant glow afterwards. As a final touch, I add a bit of mascara and deep red lipstick.

I can hear Axel's footsteps nearing the door, so I quickly shrug on a silk robe which matches my lipstick and tie it around my waist before stepping out of the restroom and jumping onto my bed.

The door swings open, and Axel walks in with an assorted box of chocolates. His eyes widen with some intense emotion I can't yet decipher, but he swallows and says nothing, just walks over to me and hands the chocolate box as he takes a seat next to me. I take the top of the box off, and reach for my favorite dark chocolate with raspberry filling. I pop it into my mouth, and look Axel right in the eyes as I lick my fingers.

"Safira..." He begins, his voice raspy, as his green eyes flash. "What are you doing?"

I toss the box aside, much to his confusion. "You said we're technically married now, right?" I say, standing up, gesturing to the ring on my finger, and stepping a few feet away.

"Uh... yeah," His deep voice responds uncertainly.

"So that'd make tonight," I pause, "our wedding night?"

"I suppose." He mumbles.

I reach for the tie holding my robe together and unravel it. Then, I shrug the robe off altogether, and let it pool at my feet before turning to face Axel.

He can't take his eyes off me, lust, need, adoration, and absolute love etched across his face as he takes in every inch of my body with his disarming green eyes.

"We'd better make the most of it, then." I say, and I hardly can finish my sentence before he's flush up against me, kissing and sucking my lips, jaw, and neck.

"Are... are you sure you want this?" He says in between kisses.

"Very." I respond in between moans. "I not only want you, I need you."

Groaning, he gasps as his hands explore my bare waist and thighs, "God, you're so beautiful. I can't ever get enough of you. You'll be the death of me, Safira."

"No," I say sadly, thinking of my impending and daunting future. "You'll be the death of me, Axel."

Pushing the morbid thoughts out of my mind, I bring Axel's face to mine and crash my lips to his, taking part in a desperate, loving, and coveting kiss. One that can't get enough of the intoxicating and illustrious man before me, nor his mind-blowing lips.

And then, as we pull off each other's clothes, and fall onto the bed in synchronization, the kiss turns into something more: the ultimate act of giving all of yourself to someone else.

That's what I do, as his name is on my lips, and I as I come apart in his arms, and as my nails dig into his back as I arch into his every movement; I give all of myself to my mate, every single piece, hoping they'll be enough to make him remember this... and remember my love, even when I'm gone.

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