21: A Performance They'd Never Forget

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Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I want to make Safira's dance more envision-able to you, which I was I've attached the video of the actual song mentioned in this chapter, Nagada Sang Dhol, where an actress is dancing to it. How the actress, whom I absolutely adore, dances is exactly how I envision Safira would be dancing to the song. So, if you'd like to see what Safira's dance would look like, and what the song sounds like, and hopefully you would, just click on the video, and enjoy! :) (If you can't hear the song properly or you can't see the moves clearly, maybe it's a better bet to watch it on YouTube directly?) Thanks, and I hope you comment or vote! <3 Love all my readers!


He thinks I'm purposefully trying to sabotage this meeting. That's the only reason for his feelings, which are clearly expressed on his face, right now. I'd just have to prove to him that I wasn't, and I'd have to do it right now. There was no time to waste. So, without another glance backward, I hurried down to the ballroom floor. By the time I'd made it down and looked back at the balcony, Ace was leaning over the railing, watching me intently for the signal. Oh, damn. The signal. I'd have to kiss Axel. I really should've come up with another signal. What the hell was I thinking? Sighing heavily, and sweating profusely under all the attention I knew was directed on me at this moment, I made my way to Axel.

I couldn't like at him while I did this. To be close to him again, it would make me lose my sanity. To look into his eyes and see his doubts at that moment, it would make me lose my resolve. I knew what was waiting for me if I did so much as glance at him, hatred and disgust, and I couldn't bear to see that. So, looking anywhere but at him, I bent down and kissed his cheek. Then, I glanced at Ace to see if he got the signal. He did, and so without further ado, and without absorbing the expressions of the werewolves around me, I rushed to the center area in the middle of the gorgeous room.

The lights dimmed, and I blinked rapidly as a huge spotlight shone on me. I wasn't expecting that. The heat of the spotlight would surely make me sweat more, but I couldn't think of that right now. Focus on the dance, Safira. You know it; you've done it so many times before, I remind myself, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. I open them, and am relieved to find that a sudden calm and tranquility has entered my body. I'm ready to perform. I smile at the crowd, which I thankfully can't see what with the darkened room, and get in my position. The song- Nagada Sang Dhol- starts, and every part of my body comes alive with every new beat. I can do this, I tell myself, and a air of confidence surrounds me, for your mate and your pack- your new family.

And then, I'm dancing. I know the steps, I don't have to rack my brain for them. I feel as though they're imprinted in me, and this only makes my smile wider. Letting go of all of my inhibitions, all the stress I've been feeling, all the pain, hurt, and loss, I just focus on the here and now. On my wavy hair, which has fallen out of its bun with a couple of spins, my swinging arms, my clapping of my hands, my swooshing skirt as I spin in quick succession, my cheeks burning with passion, my surroundings whirling around me, and my routine which matched every beat the song had to offer. I'd forgotten how absolutely free dancing makes me feel, as if there's nothing but me and the music. How blissful it felt to just be lost in your own beautiful and graceful yet firm movements. Every nagging thought I'd had tonight flew out of my mind, and the burden that was lifted off of my shoulders as a result made me want to jump for joy. I could do this all day, every day. Just dance like this and be in my own little world. All too soon, I'm nearing the end of the routine, and before I know it, the music has already stopped, and I'm in my final position, arms thrust upwards gloriously and a big grin on my face, my chest heaving from the rigorous and continuous activity.

I'm not sure if The Silver Knights will like it. But I don't care. I've done all I can do at this point, and that on its own should be enough for me. I've given them the performance of my life, and if they didn't like it, what the hell could I do about it now? It was some entertainment, right? The room is still darkened, and I try to peer around and find Axel's face, but I can't. I start to get irked, as the room is totally silent. Did I do something majorly wrong? Was my dancing offensive? Why was everyone so damn silent? My heart picked up its pace as apprehension coursed through my body. At any moment now, Axel would grab me by the wrist, curse me in front of everyone, and then throw me out of the house. All because I'd ruined the Meeting. And it was safe to presume that I had. Tears threaten to spill, hot and heavy and frustrated, but I refuse to let myself show any weakness.

And then, all of a sudden, it was there. Overwhelming applause. From all corners of the room, hands were being clapped loudly and encouragingly. Several hoots echoed around the room, and pleas for encores could be heard as well. My heart swelled, with such intensity I was afraid it'd explode. They liked it. They liked it!

The lights came back on, and the spotlight disappeared, and I was left with the eyes of many werewolves trained on me. But I wasn't intimidated anymore, because they were all smiling at me, amusement, interest, and reverence shining in their eyes. I found the table which contained the most important people at the Meeting, and one look at their collective expressions left no doubt in my mind that I'd done the best thing I could have. I'd saved the Meeting.

"So, was that exotic dance enjoyable or what? I, personally, could not take my eyes off of the fiery Indian girl and her mesmerizing moves! What do you guys think? Is she worthy enough to dance for you all for the rest of the Meeting?" I heard Ace's voice boom throughout the room, and all of the tension in it before had completely vanished. He was happy and carefree, his usual, playful self, and when I looked up at him, he gave me a wink. In response to Ace's question, the audience shouted their approval and clapped to an even more deafening extent.

And so, with permanent smile etched on my face, as per the werewolves' request, I danced to shuffled Bollywood songs for the rest of the Meeting, as pleased as anyone could be.


Thanks ElyssaMelmet, ForellaP, and Aneeshaimran for voting for my chapter! You all are awesome and oh so supportive and I can't show my gratitude for you both enough! <3 Love you both, as well as all of my readers! Oh, and did I mention you both are awesome?

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