4: Need Directions To The Asylum?

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"Look, I'm really not sure which asylum you've broken out of, but I strongly suggest you don't make any other moves towards me or I swear to everything that's holy I will not hesitate to spray you again." The words tumble out of my mouth, vexed, perplexed, and mostly concerned.

"Before you dismiss what I've said, I know you've seen my flashing eyes before. Normally, my eyes are green. But whenever I experience any emotion strongly, they flash a gray color. This signifies that whatever I've felt, it's struck me so deeply my wolf can feel it too. If I don't control it, which I can now, after years of practice and training to maintain control, it could become dangerous. I could turn into my wolf."

"Okay. Um..." I struggle to find words to describe my feelings right now. "This is a really cool story. Really well thought out, obviously." I back away from him slowly. "But I kind of have to go now. I sure hope I run into you again sometime, so you can finish your story. But... er... I have a meeting right now. So I'll, I don't know, meet you again someday in some dark alley? Oh... and my advice? Find a pharmacy nearby and get medication."

The man reaches out, to grab my hand again, but I dodge out of the way. "Safira... wait! Please just hear me out!" He says, and I can hear the desperation lacing his words.

I try to ignore him, but all I can think about is the way my name sounds coming out of his mouth. He makes it sound so much sexier than anyone has in my entire life. Oh, god, my standards must be so low if these insane guy can cause me to be so turned on just by uttering my name. Wait... how the hell does he even know my name? In the grand scheme of things, it isn't really important. In fact, all it does is emphasize the fact that I needed to get out of here, away from him.

Trying to take another step away, I realize my feet aren't responding. Come on, I urge in my head, I know I'll die someday, but it won't be in an alley with a delusional psychopath. So feet, you better start moving. Like now.

"I know you don't believe me, so let me show you something. Promise me you won't be afraid." He offers softly.

"I can't promise that. I already am afraid of you." I confess shakily. It becomes clear my feet won't be taking any steps right now.

He puts a lot of distance between us, before he instructs, "Close your eyes." And because I've never been very brave before in my life, I do as he says. I shut them very tight, trying to block out everything.

To my utter horror, I fail to block out the excruciating sound of bones cracking and pained howls. I know something terrible is happening right now, but I can't open my eyes for the life of me. I can't inspect the situation. I can't do anything but remind myself of how to breath. This situation brings back another devastating memory, one that involved my parent's death. Even then, I couldn't open my eyes and see their lifeless bodies and the totaled car with blood smeared on the driver and passenger's windows. I shut them so tight, hoping that if I did, the sight would go away, something I'd hallucinated that'd be gone the second my eyes fluttered open.

Take a deep breath in, and release. In, out. In, out. In, out, I tell myself. I try to concentrate on something pleasant, like Flo and how well she and Brad go together. They've gotten so serious so fast, and my best friend was happier than I'd ever seen her. That was a delight all by itself. As images of the two of them at the coffee shop and various dates filter my mind, I'm able to tune out the horrifying sounds.

Before long, as the images run out and the sounds register in my brain again, I realize that there's no more sickening bones cracking or tortured sounds. There's just deep, heavy panting. I open my eyes slowly, trying to ready myself for whoever, or whatever was in front of me.

But nothing could've prepared me for the sight that followed. Standing shockingly tall, huge, and strong before me is a snowy white wolf with familiar icy, penetrating gray eyes.

So everything he's said is true. What does that mean for me?


Thank you Aneeshaimran for voting for my chapters! You're truly amazing! 

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