17: One Small Problem

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Author's Note:

Hope you guys comment, vote, or fan! It'd mean a lot to me! :) I'd also love any suggestions, but even your reads are more amazing than I can express! Thanks a bunch, and hope you enjoy this chapter!


The last three days have been such an exhausting yet tolerable blur. They've consisted of constant and prolonged training with Alanis and Adaira, and I have to admit, I'm feeling more in shape than ever before. My stamina, focus, strength, agility, and overall physical capability has increased by an unexpected amount in this short amount of time. In fact, if my progress keeps up, I'll be moving on to self defense in no time.

I've barely run into Axel, besides at the dinners; he's been so busy making sure everything goes right for the Inter-Pack Meeting with The Silver Knights. I can tell everyone's really stressed about the Meeting, especially my very own Alpha, and I've been trying to keep out of their way as they do what they need to. I'm sure everyone will be taking a collective breath as soon as this Meeting is over.

Training, which is shorter today since the Meeting is in the evening, has just ended, and I approach Alanis and Adaira with questions. No one's exactly told me what my role for tonight will be, or even if I'll be accompanying Axel to the Meeting. I don't want to bother them, but I also don't want to be the reason something goes wrong. I should know all my duties beforehand, so I can carry them out correctly.

"Will I go to the meeting too?" I ask.

They give each other a look and burst out laughing. "Of course you're going! You're the pack's Luna! Besides, the entire pack goes to the Meetings." Alanis explains when she's done laughing.

"What do I do?" I inquire, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice. So I did have to go. Oh, god. And the entire pack was going to be at the Meeting and witness whether or not I would be good enough to lead them. What if this Meeting would just, in some way, prove to Axel and the pack that I wasn't a good enough Luna? What would it mean for me if I did something wrong? What would it mean for the pack if their Alpha's mate did something wrong?

"It's simple, really." Adaira shrugs me off. Upon seeing my alarmed look, she elaborates. "You just stay with Axel during the Meeting. He'll be calling all the shots, so he'll probably tell you if there's anything specific he'd like you to do. And tonight is absolutely not the time or place to argue, so follow his orders. And Safira, don't do anything that will rock the boat. You must be wondering why everyone is so tense awaiting the arrival of The Silver Knights. It's because the packs have extremely careful and detailed traditions, certain traditions that if unbroken could cause an unbroken alliance or even aggression that leads to the formation of an enmity. We have to make sure this Meeting goes off without a hitch, that all the traditions are followed through with, because it'll define the relationship that results between the Imperial Hunters and The Silver Knights."

I sigh heavily. Axel must be more perturbed with the Meeting than anyone else. I wish I could take some of that heavy weight off of his shoulders. The only thing I can do to help him is to obey him, and I sure as hell will.

"What do I wear?" The question seems pretty insignificant, but if there's such traditions that just had to be followed down to the minutia, I'm sure there's one for clothing too.

"We'll help you with that." Alanis smiles at me. "For now, you should probably shower and then relax until we come to prepare you."

"I don't think I'll be doing much relaxing until this thing is over." I admit, laughing lightly. "It doesn't please me to think of a concerned Axel. This Meeting must be suffocating him with pressure."

Adaira places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Axel's fine. He's arranged so many of these before, it's like a second nature to him. Don't worry about it."

I shrug. "I'll take your word for it."

And with that, and I head back inside and into my room. Any thoughts of showering and freshening up leave me as soon as I catch sight of the memory foam mattress waiting for me. Collapsing onto my bed, the fatigue that's been weighing down on me finally gets the better of me, and I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

"Safira!" I hear a familiar voice while my body is being shook violently. I frown. I don't want to get up. My bed is so soft, and I'm so tired. Groggily and reluctantly, I open my eyes to find a panicked Alanis over me.

"Alanis? What's up?" I ask casually as I yawn and stretch. Alanis is too persistent to let me go back to bed, so might as well get up before she resorts to drastic measures. I rub my eyes to take away the disorientation, and when they flutter open again, the look on Alanis' face has me standing at attention immediately. "What's wrong?"

Her blue eyes are filling with uneasy tears. Woah. I've never seen Alanis crying before. She's always all smiles. To see her this way causes a new rush of trepidation and torture through my body. Something is very wrong.

"We've messed up. Big time. The Silver Knights are going to be so unhappy, they'll refuse our proposal of any alliance. We'll break the tradition, the one every pack looks forward to most." She says, her hands moving up to rub her temples.

I pull her into a hug and give her a reassuring squeeze. "What tradition will be broken? I'm sure we can figure something out."

"We can't!" I can feel her hot tears on the fabric of my shirt as she blubbers out her answer. "We're supposed to have entertainment, that's the most anticipated tradition of the Meeting, but we don't!"

"Yes, we do. The belly dancer, remember?"

"She canceled last minute. Obviously she's never learned that messing with a pack of werewolves only puts her in a bad position." Alanis snarls, the malice in her voice frightening.

"Alanis, please, calm down."

"This will destroy the entire Meeting. I can't even imagine how Axel will feel once the entire thing becomes a train wreck."

Oh, my Axel. He'd wanted this thing to be perfect. There was nothing that would torture me more than seeing a disappointed or enraged or saddened Axel, and he was bound to be all three if the Meeting didn't go as planned.

"Entertainment, you say?" An idea starts hatching in my mind, one that would allow me to help Axel and prove my ability as Luna, and in a big way. There was no way this Meeting would fall short of flawless if I could help it.


Thank you ForellaP and Aneeshaimran for voting for my chapter... yet again! :) Your continued support makes me feel amazing, and keeps me motivated!

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