25: The Bringers of Hell

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Hey everyone! I hope you'll comment, share, or vote! :) It would mean the world to me, but at the very, very least, I hope you'll enjoy my chapter. 


To say that Axel's pack had taken a liking to me was an understatement. They absolutely adored me, for whatever reason, and didn't question my position as Luna whatsoever. I wasn't complaining though, because here I was sweating buckets, worrying that they'd hate me and undermine me, only to have that anxiety dissipate as they gave me kind smiles and showered me with applause.

"When's the Binding Ball going to be?" Someone calls out, and my eyes scanned the throng of wolves, trying to find who'd asked the question and what they were talking about. It was hopeless though, and so I looked at Axel inquisitively.

Axel leans in and explains, "The Binding Ball is basically to welcome the mate of Alpha into the pack. It's when your role as my mate, and the Luna of The Imperial Hunters will be absolutely finalized."

I rack my brain and remember when, not so long ago, although it felt as though it'd bee ages ago, Axel had said something about biting me, to mark me as his or something. He'd let it go for a bit, but every now and then I could see the eagerness and longing in his eyes as they drifted down to my wrist, which was where he'd originally said he'd have to bite me. After he bit me, I'd be completely and totally his, and there'd be no doubt about it. Gulping, I wonder if that's what he means by absolutely finalized. Will he have to bite me to solidify everything? Is it really that necessary?

Seeing the questions pooling in my eyes, and almost as if reading my mind, he reassures quickly, "I won't do it until you're ready, Saf."

I nod gratefully, and take a deep breath as I look out at all the adoring and benign faces before me. This pack was now like my extended family, and they accepted me, which was more than I could have hoped for. I'm so glad they have someone as brilliant as Axel to lead them. My eyebrows furrowed as I wondered whether I was truly a good match for Axe. I'd have to place my faith in something greater than us, because obviously someone or something had thought so, and bonded us as mates.

Answering the question that had come from the crowd, Axel smiles warmly at his large werewolf family, "When would you all like to have the Binding Ball?"

"As soon as possible!" A breathtaking redhead girl near the front shouts cheerfully, and shouts of agreement rise from the rest of the wolves.

Axel sneaks a glance at me, pale and standing at his side silently, and turns back to the crowd, "How about tomorrow evening?"

I hear cheers erupt, and in spite of my reeling mind, I can't help but smile at the pack's enthusiasm. "So that's settled," Axel says authoritatively, and I'm surprised by how effectively he can address a crowd. Quite frankly, it was such a turn on. Blushing with my less than appropriate thoughts, I hear his next words and almost roll my eyes, "It'll be held tomorrow in the Grand Ballroom. It's a formal event, so dress accordingly. However, keep your excitement for the Ball at bay today, because you all are still obligated to train intensely."

I had to hand it to the pack; they were handling the news that they'd still have to train in stride. I wonder if Axel ever gave them a day off; they trained so hard nonstop. What else did packs do usually? Besides train? And hold the occasional ball? Suddenly, I felt selfish. Here I was, living amongst this pack, and I had no clue what they did half the time. I mean, I know training took up a large portion of their days, but didn't they get an education as well? Free time? Did any of these wolves have kids? I was their Luna, for God's sake. I should know more about my pack! Putting my hands on my hips decisively, I made it my personal mission to spend the rest of the day with the pack, doing whatever they do, going where they go.

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