32: Stay With Me

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Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this chapter, and comment, vote, share! :) It'd mean the world to me!

This chapter is dedicated to @Aneeshaimran and @MeganKay00 for being overall really cool people, and voting for my chapters with dedication! <3


When Flo opens the door and sees me, she blinks. Once. Twice. Three times. And then she lets out a huge whoop and shouts happily, "Safira! You're here! I can't believe it!"

The uneasiness in my chest dissipates, and I pull my best friend into a tight hug. I'd missed her so much. I'd forgotten how effortlessly Flo and I's relationship came. We were like sisters, minus the constant nagging and fighting. Letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I shut my eyes and inhale her familiar scent. She smelled like ripe strawberries, and it was surprisingly calming.

She pulls away and studies me closely. "You didn't visit me since you left." She pouts.

I laugh lightly and guiltily, but respond genuinely, "Sorry, Flo. I really am."

"It's fine," She waves it off without missing a beat, and it's only then that she notices Axel standing behind me. "Is this the bae?" She asks excitedly, stepping around me to stand in front of Axel.

He extends his hand for a handshake, but she pulls him into a hug. Once they pull apart, she says with a smile, "It's nice to meet the man who's taken my best friend away from me. I'm Florencia Tylers, but you can call me Flo."

"It's nice to meet the lady who's had her best friend taken away by me." He responds lightly, humor shining in his eyes. "I'm Axel D'Amore, but you can call me whatever."

Speaking of men who'd taken away best friends, where was Brad? I peer behind her into the extremely lavish apartment, but I don't see anyone or anything besides exquisite furniture. Damn. I'd have to ask Flo if she won the lottery or something later.

"Where's Brad?" I question, and from the immediate change in Flo's expression and posture, I know the news isn't good. The smile is wiped off her face, replaced with a crumpled kind of pain. I hate seeing her like this, and my heart clenches painfully. I swear, if that son of a biscuit hurt my best friend in any way...

"I broke up with him," She sniffles. That took me aback; she looked too hurt and broken to be the one who called it quits.

"Let's talk about this inside?" I suggest, smiling at her sadly.

She nods quickly and laughs a little, but it seems forced. "Of course! I've totally forgotten my manners! Come in."

Axel and I enter, and it's only then that I see all that the apartment has to offer. It's modern and beautiful, with a minimalist kind of air. I didn't think this would be Flo's style, since she always went for furniture and decor that looked cozy, homey, and welcoming. Noticing my awe and confusion, Flo hurries to explain.

"This was where Brad and I lived together. After we broke up, I kicked him out."

"This isn't your style," I admit, and she nods.

"It isn't." She agrees softly. "There were a lot of things about him that I didn't agree with, his style being one of many."

"Flo..." I begin, but she cuts me off.

"Do either of you want anything to drink?" She asks quickly, and even though Axel has been standing next to me the entire time, I've slightly forgotten his presence; he's been that quiet.

"Water." I say.

"Me too," Axel pipes up.

Flo walks off to the kitchen, leaving me and Axel in the living room. Turning to him, I ask, "What are you thinking?"

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