16: A Room To Die For

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Author's Note:

The picture above is exactly how I'd picture Safira's room to be, so hopefully, that'll give you an image to go off of. :)

Thanks for the reads and I hope you enjoy the chapter! Any suggestions? Hmu in the comments! :) It'd be lovely if you guys could comment and vote!


Axel wasn't kidding about the incredibly speedy delivery of my bedroom furniture. By the time I'd headed back to my room, completely exhausted by the day, and swung open the door, I'm greeted with a stunning and shocking sight. The furniture in my room are not what I'd circled in the catalog. I thought this would incite some disappointment, but it doesn't, not even one bit. I've never seen such a beautiful and fitting room for me, and to say I'm awestruck and delighted is an understatement.

I hear a movement in the doorway and swivel around to find Axel leaning against the doorway, watching me fixedly, a prideful smirk on his face. "Do you like it?"

I almost want to say no, just to wipe that smirk off of his face, but even I can't deny how utterly happy and astounded I am with the room. And that he actually had picked out my furniture. It touched me, he'd touched me, deep in my chest, a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. I remain at a loss for words, turning back to eagerly absorb every inch of the splendidly decorated room, my room.

When I turn back to him, tears pooling in my eyes out of joy and appreciation, the smirk is instantly off of his face as he stands up straight and takes a swift step towards me. Anxiousness is written all over his godlike face. "Oh, god. This is exactly what I was worried about. You don't like it. Damn it. I should've just gotten the furniture you picked." Axel says, and I can tell he's really beating himself up on the inside. His worry and hurt that I didn't like my room is so sincere and tender I couldn't control myself as I walked over to him and caressed his cheek, causing his tense body to relax under my touch.

"I-I love it." I manage to say, still too overtaken by my strong emotions. "No one's done something like this for me since my parents, put time aside just to do something thoughtful and selfless for me. And done it so perfectly."

Axel looks relieved and extremely gleeful with my response. He cups my hand on his cheek, and I think he's going to push it away, but out of a softhearted moment, interlaces his fingers with mine. Swinging our hands down, he pulls us both further into the room. It's absolutely beautiful, and I blush as I'm grateful that Axel decorated my room instead of getting the furniture I'd ordered. My taste was nothing compared to his.

The room had so many colors, just as I'd wanted, but one color dominated, and it was purple; the walls were a faint blue, but my bed, which was round and had a purple headboard with a huge off-white memory foam mattress, had an array of fluffy pillows, and all of them were a combination of colors, off-white, dark purple, light purple, and red. There was a little off-white cushioned seat bordering half of the circle, and a white pillow with frills that lit up sits on it. Above the bed is a beautiful painting that adds a bit of grandioseness.The bedside table goes with the bed perfectly, and atop it is a gorgeous lamp with a lavender lampshade and red beaded decorative chains. On the ceiling above the bed is a huge circle, and in the center of artfully strung strips of cloth is a glorious but simple chandelier with similar red beaded chains. Around the perimeter of the circle and the bed falls a delicate lavender sheen curtain. A few feet away from the bed is a vanity table, constructed of the same material the nightstand was crafted of, with a bench that has a dark and velvet purple cushion. A lavender carpet covers the light wooden floor. Eggshell colored curtains cover the windows and the doors to the balcony, adding a certain elegance. The room really is breathtaking overall. There's a cozy looking fireplace off to the side of the carpet, as well as two off-white cushioned chairs. Over the fireplace is an empty mantle- soon to be filled with my pictures and baubles- and above the mantle is a huge, sleek 60" TV. I do a double take when I see the TV, and a huge smile spreads across my face. There's a bookshelf that matches the rest of my furniture against the empty wall next to the fireplace, but besides that, the wall consists of a bunch of pretty, yet empty frames scattered across it.

"What're the empty frames for?" I wonder aloud.

Axel beams at me, and I've never seen this side of him or the way he's looking at me before. It's definitely something I get used to.

"For our future memories." He says, and he turns his face away from me quickly, but not before I see the blush on his cheeks.

I blush too, and the flicker of hope ignited within me burns brighter with his promising words. "Why did you do this?"

"I couldn't forget that look of disappointment on your face, and I wanted to prove to you that I do care, and that you do belong here. I decided this would be the best gesture to show that." He says with a tinge of shyness in his tone.

"Well, thank you. It means more to me than you could ever know." I reply genuinely. A contented smile slips onto his face, which makes my smile even wider. But the thought of him pushing me away again after such a great moment causes a pang in my chest. He looks at me, clearly alarmed by the sudden ache he's felt too. "Uh, sorry, I was just thinking of how much I missed Flo." I lie.

He simply nods, and I'm sure he knows I'm lying, but doesn't question me. I'm thankful for it.


Thank you jlhummingbird, Aneeshaimran, and ForellaP for your votes! :) Hope you know how much it means to me! <3

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