38: Life and Death

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This is an incredibly short chapter, but I couldn't resist posting another snippet, just to thank y'all for being patient in waiting for this update! So, the challenge is finally revealed in this chapter, but I don't know what y'all will think of it. So comment and let me know what you think of it! <3 Thanks so much for being amazing readers! And thanks ForellaP for being such a supportive and dedicated reader! :)


"The challenge is simple, really." Drakio says. Somehow, I doubt it. "Somewhere in this forest, there are two golden goblets. Inside one of those goblets is poison, deadly poison that'll kill you in less than a minute once even a drop of it is ingested. Inside the other is a harmless liquid. Now, I'll take you both to the outskirts of the forest, place you on opposite sides, and let you loose. Your objective is to get to the golden goblets before your mate, and drink the harmless liquid, so you're safe. Your mate, once they reach the goblets, will only have the option of drinking the poison. They won't be so safe, but what's that matter, when you're alive?"

"How do we know which goblet is poisoned?" Axel asks, body tense and jaw clenched.

"You'll know because you're a werewolf. Heightened senses will definitely clue you into which goblet is poisoned." Drakio replies. "She won't know."

Wait... what? I wouldn't know which goblet was poisoned? So even if I reached the goblets before Axel, which I sincerely doubted I would, I still had a huge chance of dying? Not that I minded, but that also meant I had an equal chance of living, and then Axel would have to drink the poison.

"That's fucking unfair, and you know it!" Axel growls, his hands balling into fists.

"You know what's even more unfair?" Drakio's cruel smile never leaves his face. "You can't even save her. Once you reach the goblets first, which we all know you will, my Beta and third in command will be watching you to make sure you drink the harmless liquid. There's no breaking the rules to save her, Axel. Also, my pack will be chasing you both and possibly even attacking you if either of you slows down to let the other reach the goblets first. And on top of that, Axel'll be let loose... in wolf form."

"BULLSHIT!" Axel's howl could probably be heard miles away. Even I cringe at the magnitude and pure rage. "I'll reach the goblets in minutes in wolf form! I can use my heightened sense of smell, sight, and my speed! YOU KNOW THAT! She's human; she can't d any of that, she'll die! You're setting this up for her death!"

Drakio just shrugs. "Do I look like I give a fuck?"

Their words destroy me, but reassure me all the same. I can save Axel. I'll die, but I can save him. This challenge is set up so he can win. I'm grateful to Drakio for making it this way.

"You're quiet, dorogaya moya." Drakio observes, turning to me. "What do you think of the challenge?"

"I don't mind it." I say simply, causing Drakio's eyes to widen and eyebrows to rise.

"YOU DON'T MIND IT?!" Axel demands beside me, putting his hands on my shoulders and spinning me around so I'm facing him, looking into those searching green eyes. I want to look away; his gaze is too powerful, too intense, but I can't. "What the fuck, Safira?! You'll die!"

"And you'll live." I smile softly at him. He groans in realization. I'm going to say more, but Drakio interrupts.

"As touching as this is, the challenge must begin." The coldhearted bastard says.

I narrow my eyes and shrug Axel's hands off of me, turning to face Drakio. I'm ready for this challenge. Axel will be safe, and that means everything to me.

"Bring it on." I tell Drakio, a determined glint in my eyes and a prepared smirk on my face. 



Dorogaya Moya: My Dear

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