15: Just Barely

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Author's Note:

Sorry, but this chapter is pretty long too, so for those of you still giving my story a chance, brace yourselves. Hopefully you like the way the chapter is playing out, but if you have any suggestions, don't be afraid to comment! I do hope you'll comment or vote! Thanks for your reads! :)


After just an hour of dining with the D'Amore clan, I totally forget the previous uneasiness I'd been feeling. The entire family is so accepting and benign and interesting; the conversation is engaging at all times. The food that we've been served is mouth-watering, each dish more delicious than the one before.

Conversing with them comes so naturally; they make it incredibly easy to feel like you belong when you're among them. It's even nice to see Axel so at ease for once; around his family, he's warmhearted and really enjoys himself instead of looking like the entire world was rested upon his shoulders. Still, a feeling of grief rests inside me throughout dinner, and it stems from the pain I feel whenever I catch sight of Alistair and Lila's- that's the name of his mate-intimate looks at each other. I clutch at my torso, hoping the pain will go away, but to no avail.

"Are you feeling okay?" Axel asks suddenly, looking at me intently. Suddenly, everyone at the table's attention is directed at me.

"Yeah, you look kind of pale." Adaira interjects, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm fine." I reply, plastering on a smile. He sees right through it, and stands up abruptly. "Axel, what are you doing?"

"You don't look fine. Come on, let's get some fresh air." He offers his hand, and I take it hesitantly. He leads me out of the dining room and shuts the door behind us as his family watches us, silent and concerned. As soon as we're out of his family's earshot, he pushes me against the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He snarls, eyes flashing violently, and I'm taken aback by his harsh reaction. I shut my eyes and turn my head to the side.

"I don't know what you mean." I swallow.

"I feel every damn thing you feel, so tell me what this torturous feeling within me is." He says.

"I'm sorry. I was just looking at Alistair and Lila, and they're so perfect for each other. I mean, did you see the loving looks they were giving each other? It just hurt to know that we can't have that." I say truthfully, and Axel's hold on me softens.

His expression is understanding when I finally open my eyes to look at him. "You really want that, don't you? Love, I mean?" He asks, and an unreadable emotion creeps into his words.

"Of course! But don't worry, I'm not going to trouble you about it anymore. I realize that it's a lost cause. It's just a bit much to handle, so give me some time to sort through my feelings, okay?"

He nods, releases me, and walks back to the dining room without another word. I follow him, and when we enter the room, everyone's eyes are on us again. I take my seat quickly, and smile at them awkwardly.

"Feeling better?" Alanis asks, reaching over and giving my hand a squeeze.

"Much." I lie. Hoping to deflect the unwanted attention, I look at Alistair and Lila. "So, how long have you been together?"

Alistair smiles, and the pride in his voice is palpable. "I met Lila about five months ago. I was getting a routine checkup at the hospital, and my usual doctor was on a vacation, so they asked Lila to take care of me. She was taking my heart rate when I looked into her eyes and realized she was my mate. My heart rate increased so erratically and my eyes flashed gray in such an extraordinary way that she was afraid I might be dying of some exotic virus until I explained the situation to her." He chuckled as he reminisced.

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