3: Chance Encounter In An Alley

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I inspect myself in the mirror. I'm finally feeling better, and after a week and half of looking completely awful in sweatpants and ratty sweaters, I need to look good for once. The London weather is always dull, which is all the better because it contrasts with my bright pastel outfit. My motto always has been: If you look bright, you can't help but feel brighter than you do. Or maybe that's just my excuse to wear such vibrant colors all the time.

I slip a pale pink rose into my hair to complete the look. I've managed to tame my usually uncontrollable hair, styling it into cascading waves down my back. My makeup is natural and simple, and the apricot lipstick I've applied today goes really well with the entire ensemble. I was like a bunch of bold colors splattered onto a canvas all in one today. I already feel much brighter though, so something's working.

"Flo, are you ready yet?" I call, slipping out of the bathroom and slinging on a black purse.


"Ugh, Flo, you're going to be late!"

"Calm down, Safira! It's my date, not yours!"

I giggle and stride into her room. "You look so amazing in that dress! Brad will absolutely love it!"

Flo stands before me in a light turquoise halter dress, which she's accessorized with gold jewelry and pumps. She frowns. "I'm not sure what lipstick would go with this."

"Want my apricot one? I'm wearing it right now." She studies my lips for a second and then shakes her head.

"No, only you can pull that color off. Any other suggestions?"

"Light pink?" I offer.

"Sounds good." She smiles and applies the light pink lipstick, which goes so well with her look I'm happy I suggested it. "What'll you be up to today?"

"Oh, you know. Just casually strolling around London."

Flo frowns again. "You sure you'll be fine? I could call Brad and cancel."

"Please don't." I say, and now it's my turn to frown. "I'm fine. Really. You don't have to ask me that every time you go on a date."

"Okay. Do something fun, okay?"

"Fun? And Me? Always! I'll go get drunk and bring someone home!" I joke, and Flo laughs, because she knows I'd never do anything like that. Sex meant to much to me to just sleep with some random drunken stranger. It had be to with someone I loved, otherwise I felt it wouldn't mean much. "Anyway, I'll be leaving now."

"Bye, Safira!" Flo says cheerfully, waving me off.

Some lessons I've learned: it's near impossible to have any fun hitting bars without a friend to get drunk with. It's near impossible to have any fun walking around drizzly London without a friend to push you into a puddle or something. And it's near impossible having fun doing anything without anybody with you.

Unfortunately, I have no other options at this point. Sure, I'm glad Flo and Brad's relationship is going so swell, especially since I set them up together. But my opportunities to hang out with Flo have become few and far between. And truth be told, I missed her so much.

Ryan had assured me that best friends like Flo and I were didn't need to hang out all the time and go places together every weekend to remain close. He said friends like that were like stars. You may not see them all the time, but they're always there. And I had to agree with him on that one. No matter how paranoid I got, I knew that what Flo and I had wouldn't disappear so quickly. Sometimes I just needed a little reassurance, and I almost got that from Ryan. We helped each other. That's what he said, at least. I wasn't sure how I helped him, but if he felt that way, then I must be doing something right.

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