29: The Letter

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Three Days Later

Axel and I haven't been talking; in fact, we've been avoiding each other for the past three days. The bite on my wrist has healed, but the crescent shaped mark is still incredibly visible. Not that I mind or anything, because I remember the look in Axel's eyes, when he'd finished biting me, the look of fulfillment, contentment, and completeness. And that's worth it.

I sigh as I realize how much I miss him. So why am I steering clear of my mate? Because, after he bit me, he didn't say a word to me. Not one word. He gave me one last unreadable look, spun on his heels, and walked out. After everything I'd said, he didn't even deem it fit of a response! For God's sake, I wanted some sort of reaction from him. I mean, I'd just professed my love to him, and how I was willing to die for him, and he had nothing to say to me? Not one thing? I wasn't angry that he didn't offer a profession of love in return, or that he didn't argue me on giving up my life for him, but I was angry that he didn't offer anything. Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed.

The letter promised from The Bringers of Hell hasn't come yet, but it's been three days, so I'm sure we'll be receiving it at any moment. The thought brings a cloud of uneasiness that looms over all of us, quite uncomfortably. The Binding Ball was also cancelled, and postponed, due to the issues with The Bringers of Hell. Although, I'm not sure there'll ever be a Binding Ball after the challenge is discussed with The Bringers of Hell.

Training with Alanis and Adaira has become significantly more difficult and longer; the self defense and offense routines are intense, and the workouts burn like hell, and we train for three times as long as we used to. The reason for this is clear, but unspoken: The Bringers of Hell are coming, and Axel and I will be targeted. Axel's probably prepared to face them; he's been training and working out since birth, practically, but I can't say the same for myself.

I'm not afraid though, of the impending Meeting, of the daunting challenge. In fact, I'm just getting kind of antsy, waiting for it to happen. To kill time, I spend my hours with the pack, or helping out in the understaffed hospital. Although I'd dropped out of Med School, I still remembered a great deal of what I'd learned, and was a pretty good asset to the hospital. Helping the wolves was more interesting and speedy than helping regular, human patients. For one, their injuries were attained in the weirdest, oddest, and engrossing ways; listening to their stories quickly has become the favorite part of my day. Also, their injuries don't heal like a normal human's. They heal so, so much faster. I guess that's another skill they possess.

On this particular day, at this moment, I was helping out June, a pretty, outgoing brunette. She was pregnant, only a month along, but the way the baby was growing, and her baby bump was showing, you'd think she was more like three months along. I told her as much, and she laughed out loud.

"Safira..." She said in between fits of laughter, "wolves' babies develop much, much faster than humans' babies. The baby inside of me will be out in less than nine months."

"What?!" I yell, hardly able to keep my shock at bay. "Doesn't it hurt? To have the baby growing so much faster than normal, inside of you?"

She shrugs. "That's how it's always been, at least, for wolves, so I don't think much of it. We haven't had a human around here before. You're the first one to grace our pack."

I frown. "Should I be flattered?" Then, pausing, I think of how I met Axel. At the coffee shop, where I worked. "Do the wolves ever head into town?"

"Of course. However quaint our pack's mini town is, it has only enough facilities to cover the basics, but London and other cities like it have a lot more to offer, so we go into town pretty often." June explains.

"It's unusual to have a mate that's a human, right? For wolves?" I remember asking this of Asyrus, and though he'd assured me otherwise, hearing that there's never been a werewolf with a human for a mate in this pack made me think it was a bit taboo.

"Yes," She admits, giving me a sidelong glance, before adding, "But don't worry. It's not a bad thing. Besides, our pack likes you just fine."

I'm glad the pack hasn't been told that The Bringers of Hell are coming for Axel and I. They've all been through this once already, and I know that if they heard that Axel's life was at stake, they'd be all to willing to face The Bringers of Hell again. But, if they did, they'd be completely obliterated this time around, and they really don't deserve to go out like that.

I open my mouth to respond before Ace bursts in through the hospital doors, anxiety etched onto his face. Seeing him like that causes my body to flood with concern. I rush over to him, murmuring a quick goodbye to June and promising to talk to her later.

"Ace? What is it?" I ask.

He doesn't respond at first, just grabs my hand and races out of the hospital, back to the estate.

"Ace?" I repeat. "What is it?"

"T-They sent the l-letter, Saf." He says shakily, and my heart sinks. Yet, I can't help but feel relieved. At least now, it was finalized. There would be no more wondering of when the letter would come, what details it'd hold, when the Meeting would take place, when the challenge would happen and what it is.

"What does it say?" I inquire, although I can speculate.

"I don't know." He stops our mad dash when we reach the front door of the estate. "Axel says it only concerns you and him, and won't tell any of us what's in it. We're all just worried for him, Saf, and you. You're family now."

Tears spring to my eyes at his tender words, but I blink rapidly to keep the tears at bay. Crying won't solve anything. It'll just be a waste of tears, waste of water. "That means so much to me, Ace." I respond instead, voice raw with emotion.

Giving me a nod, and squeezing my shoulder, Ace says, "He's waiting for you, in your room."

I give Ace a small smile, and head to my room as fast as my legs can carry me. When I reach it, I throw open the door, and find a pale Axel sitting at the foot of my bed. Forget that I'm angry with him, forget that he didn't say anything, forget all of that. Our time together is limited, so I've got to start living in the here and now. And here and now, there was only me and my mate, my unfortunate Alpha. I rush to him, and envelop him in my arms.

"What does it say?" I question, and feel him stiffen. Pulling away, I look into his eyes, flashing that all too familiar gray color turbulently.

He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it, eyebrows furrowing, as if he's not certain anything will come out of his mouth. After a long pause, more silence, and a heavy sigh, he just hands me the letter. I take it from him, heart thumping, breath catching, palms sweating. Opening it slowly, I peer at the letter and start to read it, the dread and apprehension in the air almost palpable.


A big round of applause for ForellaP, j3nnamom, and Aneeshaimran for voting for this chapter! Y'all are the rock to my roll! Couldn't keep staying motivated without your votes so thank you! And an overall thank you to all of the people still giving my story a chance! <3 Your reads are a blessing! 

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